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Message 31 of 238 (284967)
02-08-2006 1:02 PM
Reply to: Message 26 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 12:42 PM

Re: Now back to reality from goo goo land
This is supposed to be a forum restricting personal attacks.. how about following the guidelines.
I have not ever personally attacked you.
On the other hand, your topic subtitles have been nothing but statements about what morons your opponents are.
Yet although a replicator of sorts, very small and simplistic in size and complexity it has very high error rates ..
The RNA replicators I'm familiar with have no error rates, which is what makes them not living things. It's the errors that are crucial - yes, even though some of them are fatal - to the evolution of living things.
thus it is quite problimatical to even envision how it could evolve anything before dying.
Probably most of them wouldn't. If you're under the impression that the history of living things is anything but the record of a vast amount of death, you're sadly misinformed.

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 Message 26 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 12:42 PM Evopeach has not replied

Member (Idle past 6229 days)
Posts: 3435
From: Edmonton Alberta Canada
Joined: 08-30-2003

Message 32 of 238 (284968)
02-08-2006 1:04 PM
Reply to: Message 20 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 11:06 AM

Re: Opps Now He'll be a Moron
... living organisms are very complicated aggregations of elementary parts, and by any reasonable theory of probability or thermodynamics highly improbable.
And yet here they are. Living organisms obeying the laws of thermodynamics and probability. There is nothing in the laws of probability or thermodynamics that preclude the existence of living organisms. As you said yourself they are "aggregations of elementary parts" and they happen to follow the laws of probabilty and thermodynamics. Living organisms are only complicated because they embody a vast array of these elementary particles under many different conditions. Since the elementary particles obey the laws it is unremarkable that living organisms should also.

But I realize now that these people were not in science; they didn’t understand it. They didn’t understand technology; they didn’t understand their time.

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 Message 20 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 11:06 AM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 36 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:16 PM sidelined has replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 33 of 238 (284971)
02-08-2006 1:08 PM
Reply to: Message 28 by Chiroptera
02-08-2006 12:46 PM

Re: Now back to reality from goo goo land
If you can google you can find about 100 articles from major schools that discuss rna and the so called "RNA error catastrophe" problem. See that's why the panspermia, comet , life force , planet zazbot visitor, magic goo ball and other ying yang equivalents are in your camp.
I'll let you do a little research .. its not rocket science.

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 Message 28 by Chiroptera, posted 02-08-2006 12:46 PM Chiroptera has replied

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Member (Idle past 305 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 34 of 238 (284974)
02-08-2006 1:11 PM
Reply to: Message 24 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 12:17 PM

Re: Six Sigma isn't a good comparison
Human driven has nothing to do with it. Its analysis and mathmatics pure and siimple physical reality which is applicable and being applied in Nanoscience every day. See thats why our only hope of realizing Nano machines is to use molecules, DNA etc. because we have no hope of building them ourselves or "waiting for them to evolve".
It has a lot to do with it. 3.4 DPMO applies to human orientated activities. It is used in nano science to help balance manufacturing and design defects. One can apply six sigma to anything one wants but the 3.4 DPMO is the holy grail for human orientated activities.
Think about it ... if there were one airplane crash in all aviation military, public and private per billion flights we would essentially never have a crash. Yet we have reported crashes somewhere in the USA every day.. check the national database if you care to. Its more like 4 sigma even for the airlines.
I'm fairly sure I was discussing airline fatalities. I can assure you they are approaching 7 sigma... I think it is about 6.4. I can't find an online source to give the exact figure, but my source is Paul Keller, here is an excerpt from an article about it
Early in the text, Keller points out that a successful Six Sigma level project implementation will produce fewer than 4 defects per million opportunities, an opportunity being any situation in which an error can occur. In the case of an airline, that error could be loss of your luggage. Luggage handling is currently rated at three sigma, which amounts to about 67,000 defects per million opportunities. Obviously, you would spend less time waiting for your luggage if airlines enhanced their luggage handling practices. A single-level move -- to four sigma -- would reduce the defects per million to 6500, a very significant improvement. Of course, the airline sigma level for fatalities in the airline industry is above six sigma, at less than one defect per million opportunities.
You program is designed, has an OS with error correcting processes none of which evolved.. period.
Right, it was designed. That's the point. A designed error correcting process can be perfect, why does this system you propose as looking designed (biology) have imperfect replication.
This is the same old .. look we made life using only a very small piece of rna or dna .. blah blah blah.
No it isn't. By applying simple chemistry to amino acids, microspheres form which engage in rudimentry replication.
Assuming the answer you want or asserting that something is true is not rigerous science.. its a form of metaphysics.
Agreed. So let's neither of us do this.
Having spent several year as as an OR analyst in the defense industry and energy industry I can assure you that design was never approached by random trial and error componentry pertubation. I am quite familiar with Monte Carlo methods , etc and the modeling of error propagation models. Never was there any attempt to design from random trial and error using simulation.... not ever.
Despite the fact that you have been provided with examples of this very thing? Are you assuming it hasn't in spite of the evidence? Perhaps you just need more. What about a NASA example?
This message has been edited by Modulous, Wed, 08-February-2006 06:11 PM

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 Message 24 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 12:17 PM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 38 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:40 PM Modulous has replied

Inactive Member

Message 35 of 238 (284976)
02-08-2006 1:13 PM
Reply to: Message 33 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 1:08 PM

Re: Now back to reality from goo goo land
None of the papers that I have seen that come out of the major schools (and "Patriot University" is not a major school, by the way) has ever implied that there must be an intelligent designer.
Maybe you can enlighten me with the results of your, um, research.

"Intellectually, scientifically, even artistically, fundamentalism -- biblical literalism -- is a road to nowhere, because it insists on fidelity to revealed truths that are not true." -- Katha Pollitt

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 Message 33 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:08 PM Evopeach has not replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 36 of 238 (284978)
02-08-2006 1:16 PM
Reply to: Message 32 by sidelined
02-08-2006 1:04 PM

Re: Opps Now He'll be a Moron
So Von Neumann was not a scientist in 1940's, did not appreciate the probability theory of Poincare and Pacal and others though a hundred years old.
I just knew he'd be termed a moron when I read the quote about thermo and probability.
John[1] Louis von Neumann Born 28 December 1903, Budapest, Hungary; Died 8 February 1957, Washington DC; Brilliant mathematician, synthesizer, and promoter of the stored program concept, whose logical design of the IAS became the prototype of most of its successors - the von Neumann Architecture.
Educ: University of Budapest, 1921; University of Berlin, 1921-23; Chemical Engineering, Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule [ETH] (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), 1923-25; Doctorate, Mathematics (with minors in experimental physics and chemistry), University of Budapest, 1926; Prof. Exp: Privatdozent, University of Berlin, 1927-30; Visiting Professor, Princeton University, 1930-53; Professor of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, 1933-57; Honors and Awards: D.Sc. (Hon), Princeton University, 1947; Medal for Merit (Presidential Award), 1947; Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 1947; D.Sc. (Hon), University of Pennsylvania, 1950; D.Sc. (Hon), Harvard University, 1950; D.Sc. (Hon), University of Istanbul, 1952; D.Sc. (Hon), Case Institute of Technology, 1952; D.Sc. (Hon), University of Maryland, 1952; D.Sc. (Hon), Institute of Polytechnics, Munich, 1953; Medal of Freedom (Presidential Award), 1956; Albert Einstein Commemorative Award, 1956; Enrico Fermi Award, 1956; Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member, Academiz Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Lima, Peru; Member, Acamedia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy; Member, National Academy of Sciences; Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Member, Information Processing Hall of Fame, Infomart, Dallas TX, 1985.
Yup, the posters herein are apt judges of Von Neumann. LOL!!

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 Message 32 by sidelined, posted 02-08-2006 1:04 PM sidelined has replied

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 Message 39 by AdminNWR, posted 02-08-2006 1:46 PM Evopeach has replied
 Message 45 by sidelined, posted 02-08-2006 2:21 PM Evopeach has not replied

Posts: 6489
From: Geneva, Illinois
Joined: 08-08-2005

Message 37 of 238 (284979)
02-08-2006 1:18 PM
Reply to: Message 9 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 9:35 AM

Re: Red Herring Master
First you fail to say if your blops are doing anything other than OS routines over and over.
I'm not sure why that would matter.
The particular system I had in mind is a server that handles email, DNS lookups, a database manager, many student logins per day, much compiling of C and C++ programs by students. That seems to be a tad more than "OS routines".
Second all OS of any sophistication and associated firmware have self correcting code which eliminates errors in read write, memory operations and communications routines that you would never be aware of, never observe and would be totally undetected.. that's sort of the purpose of having them. So your sophmoric example merely demonstrates a laymans view of IT.
The particular system has ECC memory (error correcting). The operating system (solaris) logs hardware errors. There have been no such errors logged during the stated period (396 days).
There have, of course, been minor software errors, such as students running buggy C++ programs.
So your sophmoric example merely demonstrates a laymans view of IT.
Your insults were unwarranted.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 9 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 9:35 AM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 41 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:52 PM nwr has replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 38 of 238 (284986)
02-08-2006 1:40 PM
Reply to: Message 34 by Modulous
02-08-2006 1:11 PM

Re: Six Sigma isn't a good comparison
I had hoped to spre you the embarrassment but you persist.
Dr. Robert Shapiro has disected every proposed theory of origins in his treatise by the semae name Origins. It is his and quoted colleagues that totally discount every theory so far advanced with hard number calculations. That is precisely why Shapiro has joined and written on the metaphysical concept of the Universal Life Force.
Now he remains a hardened evolutionist no doubt about that and rejects Creation and ID in toto; but simply as a choice and not from any scientific evidence.. period.
You fail to notice that a crash can occur which is a failure of the airline safety program and not a death. The death is outside the program and is age and health dependent. If you include ALL reported safety incidents in the industry which are a result of airline variables it is nowhere near Seven Sigma.
Really ... if it were seven sigma the crashes would occur once every billion departures. Wikopedia says 10,000 per day currently. So we would have one airline accident with death every 100,000 days or 300 years. LOL!!!!! Even at Six SIgma its three accidents with death a year. LOL!!!
You have provided exactly ZERO biological or even IT based random evolutionary examples unguided by human intellect.. period.

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 Message 34 by Modulous, posted 02-08-2006 1:11 PM Modulous has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 40 by Modulous, posted 02-08-2006 1:51 PM Evopeach has replied

Inactive Member

Message 39 of 238 (284990)
02-08-2006 1:46 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 1:16 PM

Strawman alert
So Von Neumann was not a scientist in 1940's, did not appreciate the probability theory of Poincare and Pacal and others though a hundred years old.
Nobody in this debate has suggested that von Neumann was not a scientist, not that he did not understand probability theory.
I just knew he'd be termed a moron when I read the quote about thermo and probability.
Nobody has suggested that von Neumann is a moron, in spite of the subtitle you used on Message 20.

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 Message 36 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:16 PM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 43 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 2:08 PM AdminNWR has replied

Member (Idle past 305 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 40 of 238 (284991)
02-08-2006 1:51 PM
Reply to: Message 38 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 1:40 PM

Re: Six Sigma isn't a good comparison
I had hoped to spre you the embarrassment but you persist.
Dr. Robert Shapiro has disected every proposed theory of origins in his treatise by the semae name Origins. It is his and quoted colleagues that totally discount every theory so far advanced with hard number calculations. That is precisely why Shapiro has joined and written on the metaphysical concept of the Universal Life Force.
Now he remains a hardened evolutionist no doubt about that and rejects Creation and ID in toto; but simply as a choice and not from any scientific evidence.. period.
Hi! How is this relevant exactly?
You fail to notice that a crash can occur which is a failure of the airline safety program and not a death. The death is outside the program and is age and health dependent. If you include ALL reported safety incidents in the industry which are a result of airline variables it is nowhere near Seven Sigma.
I take it you haven't worked in six sigma programs? One doesn't go to a company, count all the defects, all the opportunities and leave it at that. You look at individual scenarios. Airline fatality is one thing. If each fatality costs the airline $x (both directly (Compensation) and indirectly (losing customers) it would be wise to keep those figures down and measure it using DPMO.
Of course, there is always dispute over DPMO as a measuring device, and some companies shun it entirely, but we're not doing that here are we?
You have provided exactly ZERO biological or even IT based random evolutionary examples unguided by human intellect.. period.
Since we are comparing biology with something that would be silly. I have shown you evolutionary systems being used to design various things because evolutionary systems are better than human design in many cases.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 38 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:40 PM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 42 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 2:03 PM Modulous has replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 41 of 238 (284992)
02-08-2006 1:52 PM
Reply to: Message 37 by nwr
02-08-2006 1:18 PM

Re: Red Herring Master
Error correcting memory tasks are not logged and error corrected hardware errors are not all logged only those that are so programmed.
If you think every reread on a hard drive is logged you are very sadly mistaken.
Your application is not a billion operations per second as far as I can see.
If you weren't there and examined every log yourself you have no proof that a restart and rollback never occurred anyway its all very suspicious.
I might add I was in the business for 25 years using about ten OS and never was such performance observed.
And it sure didn't evolve by mutation and natural selection.

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 Message 37 by nwr, posted 02-08-2006 1:18 PM nwr has replied

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 Message 44 by Chiroptera, posted 02-08-2006 2:08 PM Evopeach has replied
 Message 46 by nwr, posted 02-08-2006 2:35 PM Evopeach has not replied
 Message 85 by Jazzns, posted 02-09-2006 11:28 AM Evopeach has replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 42 of 238 (284997)
02-08-2006 2:03 PM
Reply to: Message 40 by Modulous
02-08-2006 1:51 PM

Re: Six Sigma isn't a good comparison
Relevant because you proclaim Sidny Fox' protenoids , and soap bubbles to life replicators when Shapiro destroys any efficacy (and many othere have as well) of his work to real cell and replication.
My shaving lather has bubbles that meld, bud etc. its not related to biologic cells.
In other words your airline calculation is totally erroneous and you acknowledge it.
Actually , I went theough the Black and Decker Sig Sigma class and am in charge of a Six Sigma blended learning program at my college although I do not teach it I made it happen.
Actually one does measure the voice of the process by scaling the design predictions or actual operating results stage by stage from a statistically significant random data sample. A hundred over three shifts would be over kill.
Your assumption of superior knowledge is unjustified as with all evo super egos.

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 Message 40 by Modulous, posted 02-08-2006 1:51 PM Modulous has replied

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 Message 71 by Modulous, posted 02-09-2006 1:32 AM Evopeach has replied

Member (Idle past 6934 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 43 of 238 (284999)
02-08-2006 2:08 PM
Reply to: Message 39 by AdminNWR
02-08-2006 1:46 PM

Re: Strawman alert
Try messsage 32 of 42.
"But I realize now that these people were not in science; they didn’t understand it. They didn’t understand technology; they didn’t understand their time"
Since Von Neimann was the only person under discussion why is this not directed at him?

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 Message 39 by AdminNWR, posted 02-08-2006 1:46 PM AdminNWR has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 47 by AdminNWR, posted 02-08-2006 2:39 PM Evopeach has replied

Inactive Member

Message 44 of 238 (285000)
02-08-2006 2:08 PM
Reply to: Message 41 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 1:52 PM

Re: Red Herring Master
Nor is the subject of your OP about human built computer systems.
Your argument is this:
DNA replication in the human cell involves error checking and correction mechanisms which may or may not be efficient depending on what we decide to determine efficient.
Therefore, by a magical wave of the hands, only an Intelligent Designer could have been responsible.
So let's cut to the chase. Why are you so impressed with DNA replication that you immediately conclude there is a designer?
Oh, sorry. I forgot. Your a priori assumption is that there is a designer, and now you are trying to find something you consider fantastic to try to convince the rest of us.

"Intellectually, scientifically, even artistically, fundamentalism -- biblical literalism -- is a road to nowhere, because it insists on fidelity to revealed truths that are not true." -- Katha Pollitt

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 Message 41 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:52 PM Evopeach has replied

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 Message 48 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 2:54 PM Chiroptera has replied

Member (Idle past 6229 days)
Posts: 3435
From: Edmonton Alberta Canada
Joined: 08-30-2003

Message 45 of 238 (285002)
02-08-2006 2:21 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by Evopeach
02-08-2006 1:16 PM

Re: Opps Now He'll be a Moron
Of course his assumption of prepetuity after the fact is unconvincing because it assumes the first replicator could perform at the required accuracy.
Let's see. I disagree with Von Neumann on the statement he makes and you respond curtly with his curriculum vitae. However you then do the same thing yourself and no problem right?
Since you are fond of quotes and such let take a contemporary of von Neumanns shall we?
`` doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are - if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.''
Richard P. Feynman
Do you happen to know Feynman's C.V.?
Does you have experimental verification peer reviewed and replicable?

But I realize now that these people were not in science; they didn’t understand it. They didn’t understand technology; they didn’t understand their time.

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 Message 36 by Evopeach, posted 02-08-2006 1:16 PM Evopeach has not replied

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