A. No one is dammed.
B. I commend you for your grasp and command of name-calling.
C. No stereotyping - just choice.
D. God did not assume you would make any particular choice.
E. God is not punishing anyone.
F. No one is preprogrammed.
G. You will not be forced to "hang out with" him (you have a choice!!!!!!)
H. Again, God cursed the earth, not the people.
I. I agree that your choice of how to curse would not be fair.
J. Again, great name calling. You really have that skill down pat.
K. I am not asking you to worship anyone.
L. Just as your errors in knowledge have lead you to your conclusion, a knowledge of the truth leads to the exact opposite conclusion.
i've seen many different views that would say you are wrong about eberyone of those, and people on this board who claim there are elect and non-elect that were destend for hell
G. You will not be forced to "hang out with" him (you have a choice!!!!!!)
ok where would my other choice be? hell? to be tortured instead? or do i get to go to muslam heaven?
H. Again, God cursed the earth, not the people.
people believe everything was cursed, who do i accept as right?
i just say its all a myth to explain things, its a crappy one at that, my authority is i've read so many myths that are much better than this one