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Author Topic:   Omniscience, Omnipotence, the Fall & Logical Contradictions.
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Message 59 of 354 (355146)
10-08-2006 8:12 AM
Reply to: Message 26 by mark24
10-05-2006 11:03 AM

There can be no free-will because the outcome is already determined. God is omniscient, right? He knows what's going to happen, therefore there is only the illusion of free-will for the individual making the decision. If god has seen an outcome in advance, it is predestined, if it is predestined, it isn't free-will.
Where are you pulling this crap from? That is not logic. That is an assertion. I do not see any connection between omniscience and predestination. You have not demonstrated it.
A grand master chess player is able to anticipate his opponents move, almost to the point of absolute forknowledge depending on the level of his opponent, especially if he is a beginer or novice. Does this change the fact that the opponent has free will? Absolutley not. The opponent has the absolute free will to chose. But his choices will simply not add up because the grand master chess player has made far superior ones.
So, in essence, the grand master chess player has control of the scene, and is manipulating the future, yet at the same time, his opponent has free will. It is not the grand master's fault that the opponent lost. It is the opponents own fault for not practiceing. Likewise, God is not to blame for our own immorality. If we would just accept Jesus Christ as saviour and try to turn away from our sin, God would help us along.
Edited by Guido Arbia, : No reason given.
Edited by Guido Arbia, : No reason given.
Edited by Guido Arbia, : No reason given.
Edited by Guido Arbia, : No reason given.

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 Message 26 by mark24, posted 10-05-2006 11:03 AM mark24 has not replied

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 Message 65 by Legend, posted 10-08-2006 5:34 PM Christian7 has replied

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Message 60 of 354 (355148)
10-08-2006 8:19 AM
Reply to: Message 4 by Woodsy
10-04-2006 11:32 AM

In his new book, Richard Dawkins points out that omniscience and omnipotence are incompatible. Is God able to change his mind in the future?
If omnipotence and omniscence are incompatible, then omnipotence is an incompatibility in itself, because omnipotence requires that one is able to be omniscent. Therefore, either omnipotence and omniscence are compatible, or omnipotence is logically impossible.
Edited by Guido Arbia, : No reason given.

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 Message 4 by Woodsy, posted 10-04-2006 11:32 AM Woodsy has not replied

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Message 61 of 354 (355155)
10-08-2006 8:26 AM
Reply to: Message 46 by iano
10-06-2006 8:05 AM

Re: The cosmic gambler
Try looking at it this way. Lets assume that Adam had free choice (Jesus, "the second Adam" had too but lets leave that). Adam chose against God and instead ate an apple infected with a disease (he was told of this beforehand.."On the day you eat..)
So Adam is infected through his own choice - God is not implicated. Now Adam transfers this infection to all his offspring. Every gets the disease and Adam is to blame for giving it to them. This disease means that mans nature is geared to sin - just as a cats nature is to kill mice. Its called a sinful nature.
As soon as a person is able they will act according to their nature. They will do things that God finds objectionable - just as my cat leaving a half eaten bird on my bed is objectionable to me. In that sense it is not their fault that they act so - even if objectionable. They didn't give themselves this nature - Adam did. And it would be as unjust to punish people in Hell forever for doing that which they did by a nature as it would be for me to punish my cat for half eaten birds. When they die God would have to simply let that be that - we would cease to exist. We wouldn't exist anymore and would be back to the place before we did exist. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
But men are not left completely alone by God. They, unlike cats killing mice have this thing called conscience. Conscience is God operating on a person with a sinful nature calling them away from that nature and empowering them to do so. If a person sins in this instance it was because they chose to ignore the call of conscience which convinced them not to sin. And for this they can justly be punished. Not because they were born with this nature but because they chose to sin when they didn't have to. Sin only becomes sin if a choice is made to do so. It is different than simply acting according to animal nature.
There is a fine balance to be struck by God. Yes, attempt to restore things to the way intended in the beginning. But not push so far as to compel a person who does not want to be restored, to be restored. By chosing to call people through conscience God is making it possible for them to sin - instead of them just acting with animal nature. He is taking the risk that they will refuse in which case he risks them not being able to avail of simple non-existance but puts eternal damnation as a possibility for them. To balance that negative risk he places a positive - eternal bliss - in there too.
Gods options:
a) objectionable animals who cease to exist after they die
b) the risky business of objectionable persons who might go one or other way.
He chose the latter. It is his right to do so. He's God.
Great post. I agree 100%. I might vote for this for the next POTM.

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 Message 46 by iano, posted 10-06-2006 8:05 AM iano has not replied

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Message 81 of 354 (356884)
10-16-2006 3:12 PM
Reply to: Message 65 by Legend
10-08-2006 5:34 PM

Re: omniscience and free will
so...when the grandmaster who anticipates so brilliantly his novice opponent's moves sets up a trap for him and the opponent steps right in it and gets checkmated, would you say that the novice chose to lose the game or that the grandmaster made him lose it ?
eagerly awaiting your answer.
The answer is simple. Both are true. Likewise, God sets people up to get saved, but they also chose to get saved of their own free will. The only difference is God is less controling over the situation and gives the person a fair opportunity to chose him. He does does coerce salvation onto anyone or coerce anyone not to be saved. No one can be saved by forced, for it is with their heart that they chose him.

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 Message 65 by Legend, posted 10-08-2006 5:34 PM Legend has not replied

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From: n/a
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Message 82 of 354 (356886)
10-16-2006 3:15 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by Straggler
10-06-2006 11:57 AM

Re: The cosmic gambler
But why did he let ME get this deadly disease in the first place? I had done nothing wrong and had not had not even had the opportunity to do anything wrong.
In Gods eyes we are all guilty until proven innocent. Why?
Preventative medicine is the name of the game and medical negligence would still be the verdict. I might need a lawyer.
The best lawyer is Jesus Christ.

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 Message 49 by Straggler, posted 10-06-2006 11:57 AM Straggler has not replied

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Message 83 of 354 (356887)
10-16-2006 3:19 PM
Reply to: Message 54 by ringo
10-07-2006 1:07 AM

Re: mark23+1
Ah, the Bart Simpson Defense: "I could look into the future, but I don't wanna".
An omnipotent being can see without looking, so how can it prevent itself from being omniscient?
God's very nature is self consistent, therefore if it was God's will that he would change his mind he would not have absolute omniscience, rhather he would have selective omniscience. God would still be omnipotent because whatever he choses to know he would know, but because God is omnipotent he could also chose not to know.
However, the fact is, God does not change his mind. God allows himself to be influenced by our actions but he has already decided what he will do. So for our benifit he appears to change.

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Message 100 of 354 (360925)
11-02-2006 7:03 PM
Reply to: Message 93 by mark24
10-25-2006 1:07 PM

Re: God: Just or Unjust?
Yes it does.
If you have a choice, a or b, & god knows that you are going to "choose" b, then you have no choice but to choose b. You cannot choose "a", you are not exercising free will even though you might think you are.
It's like watching a movie, does he pull the trigger or doesn't he? He does what is written in the script, & can do no other.
I would agree with you on this if it were not for a simple detail which you have not included in your argument.
Normally, an athiest will make the following deduction.
God knows what is going to happen, therefore it will happen.
What they fail to realize is that if we slip in a minor detail to the argument the contradiction dissapears. The revised argument goes like this:
God knows what is going to happen because that is what will happen, however the person causing it to happen could chose to do something else, but if that was so God would have fornown that outcome, therefore God's forknowledge does not actively predestine future events.
Any failure to understand the simplicity of this argument is the result of ignorant thinking.

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 Message 93 by mark24, posted 10-25-2006 1:07 PM mark24 has replied

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 Message 101 by jar, posted 11-02-2006 7:10 PM Christian7 has not replied
 Message 102 by mark24, posted 11-02-2006 7:52 PM Christian7 has replied

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Message 103 of 354 (361175)
11-03-2006 4:28 PM
Reply to: Message 102 by mark24
11-02-2006 7:52 PM

Re: God: Just or Unjust?
All you have done is make the sentence longer. If god forknew the outcome it must have been predestined.
You have not demonstrated any logical connection between forknowledge and predestination. That connection is not built into the laws of logic itself. So you will need to break it down into further arguments in order to demonstrate the connection between forknowledge and predestination because I simply don't see it.
What we have here is a case of humans disagreeing on what the laws of logic are. So far the Christians are playing along with the athiests by abiding by their rules, but they don't need to, because there is no connection between forknowledge and predestination. Forknowledge does not equal causation.
God's knowledge of an event does not cause it to happen, therefore it is not predestined. God simply understands that it will happen. He doesn't say, "OK, it WILL happen like this." (There are several instances where he does but for this argument I'm talking about when he doesn't.)
To say, "God knows it will happen, therefore it will happen." is corre ct, but this does not imply predestination. It simply means that, "It will happen, therefore God knows it will happen." They both mean the same thing, and have nothing to do with predestination.
So, for the most part, athiests have no valid argument in reguards to this. Once again they have demonstrated their own fallicious man-like reasoning and inability to grasp the infinite mind of God.
Edited by iBibleNano, : No reason given.

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 Message 102 by mark24, posted 11-02-2006 7:52 PM mark24 has replied

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 Message 104 by mark24, posted 11-03-2006 9:19 PM Christian7 has replied
 Message 105 by Asgara, posted 11-03-2006 9:23 PM Christian7 has replied

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Message 106 of 354 (361354)
11-03-2006 11:57 PM
Reply to: Message 104 by mark24
11-03-2006 9:19 PM

Re: God: Just or Unjust?
How can foreknowledge not be predestination? How can something that is absolutely known about the future not be predestined?
How can forknowledge BE predestination? You haven't demonstrated that anywhere. I don't have to demonstrate a negative. You have to demonstrate a positive.
No, humans agree what the laws of logic are, for quite obvious reasons. What we have is religious nutjobs being unable to accept that not only does the evidence not support you, but neither does logic. Ergo, in your opinion, not only does a requirement for evidence go out of the window, but so does logic, too.
In another thread I am involved in a discussion with another atheist who maintains that religion actually does no harm, or at least not enough that we should be bothered about..
Is our argument not an example of disagreement concerning logic? I think that forknowledge and predestinaton are not connected, and you think they are. They can co-operate, but they are not directly connected. This is an example of differing views on the laws of logic.
Besides, your argument is not even a valid syllogism, because it does not abide BY the laws of logic to come to the conclusion. It merely makes an assumption.
The syllogism, "It will happen, therefore it will happen, therefore you can't change it." is just as valid as, "God knows in advance what will happen, therefore it will happen." The only part that matters is the last part, "It will happen." and that is where the trouble arises. You assume that because it will happen we can't change it. Well you're absolutlety right, but the only reason why we can't change it is because we don't know what the future holds. If we knew what the future held, and were not able to change it, then I would say we have a problem with the idea of free will.
You'll find that true and genuine logic, the kind where all the dots are connected, often leads to the conclusion that the Christian God is the only possible God there is. The only reason we don't have access to such logic is because our minds are so finite and we still know so little about the universe. Scientists think we are on the virge of uncovering the grand mystery behind it all, but they are fooling themselves. The grand mystery is clearly revealed in a little red book called the bible, and that is all human kind really needs. Now science is a nice addition, as far as healing people goes, but we really don't need that crap because it's not going to save anybody from hell.
When it comes down to it, it's not, "The evidence says this, therefore I don't believe in God.", it's, "I don't want God in my life, so this is what I accept as evidence." And as far as people who really want to believe in God but just can't, they are being decieved by the rest of the population.

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 Message 104 by mark24, posted 11-03-2006 9:19 PM mark24 has replied

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 Message 126 by mark24, posted 11-04-2006 6:42 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 107 of 354 (361355)
11-04-2006 12:00 AM
Reply to: Message 105 by Asgara
11-03-2006 9:23 PM

Re: few questions
Does your god know all about me before I am even born?
Does your god know what I will choose before I choose it?
Is your god the sole creator of life?
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
And you know what this proves, absolutley nothing for your side of the argument. All it proves is how awesome my God is.

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 Message 105 by Asgara, posted 11-03-2006 9:23 PM Asgara has replied

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 Message 108 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:06 AM Christian7 has replied
 Message 109 by Asgara, posted 11-04-2006 12:09 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 110 of 354 (361360)
11-04-2006 12:12 AM
Reply to: Message 108 by jar
11-04-2006 12:06 AM

Re: few questions
It proves that your godlet is a mean, vicious, picayune little bling-bling pimp daddy worthy of no honor or respect.
Really? So because God is omniscent he is therefore worthy of no respect? How did you figure that? Unless of course, you meant to combine that with what we know about the real world.
Our finite minds simply cannot grasp the infinite mind of God, so any effort to concieve of him in human terms in futile. God gaves us just enough wisdom to be able to have a personal relationship with him. He did not give us the ability to figure out what it is like to be outside of time as God is. In fact, even saying that God is outside of time is almost disrespectful in a way, because that's trying to explain him. We simply don't have the ability to do that.

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 Message 108 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:06 AM jar has replied

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 Message 111 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:18 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 112 of 354 (361363)
11-04-2006 12:19 AM
Reply to: Message 109 by Asgara
11-04-2006 12:09 AM

Re: few questions
It does show how vapid your argument is.
If your god knew my choices before I was even created...and s/he/it created me anyway...then there was no choice for me in anything.
I don't see the reasoning involved in that. That's just plain stupid and a demonstration of the finite wisdom of the common mortal.
You have also shown your belief in an evil god. If your god KNEW that George would die an atheist and allowed his creation anyway...then George was created solely to be damned.
So let me get this staight.
1. God knew that Goerge would be an athiest.
2. God created him anyway.
3. Therefore God created him for the sole purpose of being dammned.
All I have to say to that is wow wtf? That's an invalid syllogism. God created him to give him the chance to accept his love and go to heaven. It just so happens that he rejected God, so he went to hell.
1. God knew that goerge would be an athiest.
2. God wanted to give him a fair chance to accept him, even inspite of his forknowledge of the outcome.
3. Therefore God created him.
Now that's a valid syllogism.
It's not God's fault the person went to hell. It's there own damn fault. This my friend, is called real logic. I don't know what the hell your using but it isn't logic.

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 Message 109 by Asgara, posted 11-04-2006 12:09 AM Asgara has replied

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 Message 114 by Asgara, posted 11-04-2006 12:23 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 113 of 354 (361364)
11-04-2006 12:20 AM
Reply to: Message 111 by jar
11-04-2006 12:18 AM

Re: few questions
Sorry but simply more nonsense. You made a clear statement which I quoted in full in Re: few questions (Message 108) for all to read. Your little joke of a godlet creates people solely to be damned. That is not something to be respected or worshiped but an evil little demon. More something to be pitied than awesome.
It is sad that so many Christians seem to worship such a pitiful joke and think it is GOD.
See my last post.

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 Message 111 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:18 AM jar has replied

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 Message 115 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:24 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 116 of 354 (361367)
11-04-2006 12:25 AM
Reply to: Message 114 by Asgara
11-04-2006 12:23 AM

Re: few questions
So, you're saying that God DIDN'T know what the final outcome would be? Thanks, that makes much more sense.
Where is that written? It is not even implied there. There is no way in which that means what you think it means. Your reasoning is invalid.

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 Message 114 by Asgara, posted 11-04-2006 12:23 AM Asgara has replied

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 Message 117 by Asgara, posted 11-04-2006 12:26 AM Christian7 has replied

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Message 118 of 354 (361370)
11-04-2006 12:27 AM
Reply to: Message 115 by jar
11-04-2006 12:24 AM

Re: few questions
Thank you for once again confirming that your godlet is an evil little demon.
What a pitiful little godlet you worship. How sad.
I've already demonstrated my argument. I'm not going to waste any more of my time on this petty argument. It's really pathetic is what it is. Athiests have to gang up on Christians and convert them to a fallicious mindset in order to assert their own allegedly superior intellect and to confirm their disbelief in the living God.

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 Message 115 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:24 AM jar has replied

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 Message 121 by jar, posted 11-04-2006 12:33 AM Christian7 has replied

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