I agree with you Pink in that there isn't a qualitative difference between humans and the other animals. I do think that we are seperate from the other animals though, because of the amount of our quanititative differences.
I don't see how quantitative differences make for "different uniqueness".
Because we have
so many quantitative differences, we are different.
you said:
We are not the largest, or the fastest, or the strongest; nor do we have the most powerful sensory abilities.
So what. I was saying that animals share tool use, culture, language, and agriculture with humans, but on a different scale of complexity. This is what you're calling quantity not quality. I'm thinking on the lines that all of these quantities when combined become somewhat like a quality in themselves. Our qualitative difference is the amount of quantitative difference we have.
Me writes:
Humans have all the qualities of the animals, with the use of technology.
First - we don't have all of the qualities of animals with technology. Non-human animals still surpass human technology in sensory abilities.
We do to have all the qualities with technology. Surpassing human technology in sensory abilities is a
quantitative difference.
Second - if you define the human species based on modern technology, then you are also define modern humans as a separate "animal" from humans living just a couple of hundred years ago.
No, those humans had the same abilities as we do today and were obviously the same species. I think you're saying that those humans didn't have the technology we have so they can't be considered different from animals because of the technology we have. I'm saying yes they can, because their species did develop the technology, even though it was 500 years later, or whatever, it was still their/our species that did it, and while having the same abilities.
Me writes:
They taste good.
So does the flesh of human infants
Do you have any evidence to back this up?
Personally, I like the taste of lean flesh. Human infants are very fat and very not-lean, so I would imagine them tasting bad, plus I find cannibalism offensive and disgusting.
Do you do anything that causes pleasurable sensation?
What, like masturbate, drugs, skateboard, eat meat...hell yeah. But
anything, no, I won't do
anything that causes pleasurable sensation.