DHA writes:
And when you get beyond logic, what will you do when ILLOGIC turns on you and all the rules LOGIC has raised are down? (quote parapharased from Man for All Seasons)
Whats a theist supposed to say? According to your logic, you exist for a miniscule sum of time on a dust speck of a planet in a somewhat rare solar system (so far as logic has currently informed us) within one of a hundred billion galaxies. Despite being so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, you think it better to try and arrive at lifes conclusions without any help from any sort of a Creator whom could exist!
What is really odd about the human nature of it all is that were a lone alien species ever to pop into your human world, the chances are that you and the rest of the "logical" minds would probably run to embrace and study such a mathematical unknown!
And yet....
There exists (in my belief) an unseen spiritual realm of unknown origin and motive around us as we think. The Holy Spirit is there too, and He patiently awaits our acknowledgement and acceptence.
Yet humanity, in all of our quirkiness and ill placed arrogance, brushes off any communion with this loving Creator!
We would rather peer through our puny telescopes and microscopes that we have invented and attempt to go it alone...bringing our insignificant species into the destiny that WE..somehow...have imagined for ourselves!
There is a time for a child to grow up and tie their own shoes, and yet there is alao a time for a son or daughter to realize that truly their old man knew what he was talking about all along!
Is a cosmic "old man" so illogical?