______________________________________________________________________The problem that Behe faces is that he extrapolates IC systems created through manufacture to biological IC systems that are created through biological reproduction. The two are not comparable.
Say a person builds a robot that can build other robots. The parts to the robot did not come together on their own, they needed a designer, yet the robots can "reproduce". The two ARE comparable.
Why do we infer intelligent design when we find pottery shards? Because we have independent/separate evidence for an intelligence and a mechanism used by that intelligence that could have resulted in that pottery shard.
If you're going to use that reasoning, then show me an example in nature of one species evolving into a new one. You don't have an example. Just theories. It's the same with Intellegent design. We don't see the hand of God reaching out of the clouds and placing a new animal on the planet, but through theories of probability, we can infer they were designed.
Behe tries to argue that we can detect design without both an evidenced intelligence and an evidenced mechanism, yet he has failed to do so with one present day example.
Read "The Design Inference: eliminating chance through small probabilities", by William Dembski, mathematician of Baylor University. In it he identifies that the two key components of design are a Recognizable Pattern and an Improbable Object.
Example, any randomn mountain side is an improbable object since that particular mountain side is unique. However, a randomn mountian side does not usually follow a recognizable pattern. Mt. Rushmore is an inprobable object because rocks don't usually form like that, but it also bears a recognizable Pattern, and thus, the characteristics of design.