Where's the culture that produced the Old Man?
Extinct? Extraterrestial? Supernatural?
Any evidence that American Indians were into sculpture on a grand scale?
I didn't say anything about American Indians, but since you asked:
More info on the Nazca, and the hundreds of massive sculptures they produced.
Or how about:
More info on moundbuilding, a practice that spread from coast-to-coast in North America.
Why did all the lines on th face follow natural fault lines with no sign of working?
As I said before, the artist deliberately worked with the natural material along its natural lines so that it would blend into the landscape. This is quite similar to the style exhibited by the Nazca and the Moundbuilders, who produce massive sculpture that disappears into the landscape.
No signs of working? Perhaps the work is ancient enough that those signs have been lost to weathering. Or perhaps alien technology leaves no marks that we can understand. Or maybe an ancient New Hampshirian shaman used her telekinetic powers to break the rock along its fault lines without direct physical contact.
Quite frankly, I think your claim that you can "obviously" detect "absence of design" is as outrageous as the ID claim that they can "obviously" detect "design".