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Author Topic:   Did Mod cause the collapse of evcforum?
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Message 11 of 424 (566844)
06-28-2010 8:20 AM
Reply to: Message 5 by Rahvin
06-27-2010 7:11 PM

Isn't this thread serving solely to stir up the same sort of shitstorm that resulted in the Great Purge?
Yeah, I'll second that. This Great Purge deal seems to have a very sordid past, filled with plenty of animosity. Perhaps it be wisest to let that one go.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 5 by Rahvin, posted 06-27-2010 7:11 PM Rahvin has not replied

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Message 15 of 424 (566857)
06-28-2010 9:31 AM
Reply to: Message 13 by AZPaul3
06-28-2010 9:23 AM

Re: It's Not Easy Being Green
Have you come back to sling shit at Percy for some perceived injury to your ego? Is this some cathartic exercise for your wounded psyche? Have you changed from Crash Frog to Troll Frog or maybe Trash Frog? Does this whole thing still hurt your sensitive ego?
Suck it up, grow a pair, and get on with life, man. You're not 16 anymore.
If you want to come back and play with the rest of us in Percy's Sandbox then welcome back, Crash Frog. But if you're here to be Trash Frog, throw sand and crap at everyone then just pick up your bucket of bullshit and leave.
Holy shit.... That's one hell of an excoriation. Really went for the jugular on that one.
Remind me to never cross you

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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Message 16 of 424 (566866)
06-28-2010 10:29 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Modulous
06-27-2010 4:44 PM

Great Purge: The Aftermath
After reviewing the numerous debates (my head hurts from all the reading) that led up to the Great Purge a.k.a. "Night of the Broken Glass", I have concluded that you were as even-keeled then as you are now. I have not seen any deficiency in your decision, and I hardly think that Crashfrog is painting an accurate picture about what transpired.
I do see four, clear troublemakers, that inflammed the situation far beyond its merits: I won't mention names, but you were certainly not one of them.
Modulous did not cause the collapse. Collapse is not a good description either. I will go so far to say that it appears Crashfrog's assessment on the popularity and content on EvC has changed. There seemed to be a deeper sense of community in the past (even if it was more divisive). It did seem to have a "the good ole days" feel to it that in some ways is lacking now or days.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 1 by Modulous, posted 06-27-2010 4:44 PM Modulous has replied

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 Message 17 by Modulous, posted 06-28-2010 12:58 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

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Message 18 of 424 (566901)
06-28-2010 1:31 PM
Reply to: Message 17 by Modulous
06-28-2010 12:58 PM

Re: Great Purge: The Aftermath
(The one that allowed Hitler Percy to assume dictatorial power that would culminate in the "Night of the Broken Glass")
I lol'd
Crashfrog did raise some valid points about my incessant unnecessary posting - but the blame for making unnecessary posts doesn't fall squarely on old Mod's shoulders, I feel. I certainly accept responsibility for the needless posts I did make.
As best I can tell, there were a few people who were seriously acting infantile, crying about nothing, and essentially inciting a riot. I'm sure in hindsight there are some things that could have been handled better, but some people are just completely unreasonable (the person you invited to this thread comes to mind). You can't rationalize with some people, all the while they strut around as if they're the paragon's of rationality.
It's a shame it happened, and the rift clearly has scarred the forum quite a bit. I can agree with some of the people who fell on their own swords out of principle, but overall I think the moderators were doing what they could to explain their position while keeping the peace.
Can't please everyone, especially thin-skinned, whiny brats. Based on what I've reviewed, I think I could count on one hand the true instigators (some not here anymore, some still here). Others who fell by the wayside were caught in the crossfire. For those upstanding citizens, I feel pity for.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 17 by Modulous, posted 06-28-2010 12:58 PM Modulous has seen this message but not replied

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Message 21 of 424 (566922)
06-28-2010 3:40 PM
Reply to: Message 19 by crashfrog
06-28-2010 3:32 PM

It's a good thing you don't hold any grudges.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 23 by crashfrog, posted 06-28-2010 4:01 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

Inactive Member

Message 45 of 424 (567012)
06-29-2010 8:59 AM
Reply to: Message 23 by crashfrog
06-28-2010 4:01 PM

I didn't open the thread. Modulous did.
Irrelevant, insofar as you still seem quite perturbed by all of the moderators and by what transpired over two years ago. I'd say that's a grudge, and so would most sensible people.
Can you explain how that's me "holding a grudge"? I was was the subject of precisely zero moderator censure during the Purge Crisis on Infinite EvC Forums. I felt then that the actions of moderators were eroding confidence in their objectivity, and events ultimately proved me right.
I've browsed through some of your past threads yesterday, particularly on threads involving moderators bantering back and forth with you. The allusions I interpreted was a very cynical view of all moderators in general. That being the case, it gives the impression that you're not merely an impartial observer, but are suspicious of moderators before the fact, and your perception of them coveting power. So I don't know how accurate your testimony is since it is mired down in bias.
You give off the impression that you're still really pissed, and that all of it is the fault of the moderators. I read through a lot of the threads and concluded that they were generally even-handed in the matter. There were a lot of instigators who were acting completely unreasonably. Did that fact escape your attention? Did you miss the hysterical fits displayed by Berberry?

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 23 by crashfrog, posted 06-28-2010 4:01 PM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 69 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 2:30 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied

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Message 50 of 424 (567023)
06-29-2010 10:35 AM
Reply to: Message 34 by crashfrog
06-28-2010 7:50 PM

Offensive = suspension
No, of course you were of that opinion. What Dan was saying to you was the exact same kind of thing NJ had been saying to Berberry. How did you not get that? Did you think Dan --> really --> thought that "all Christians rape goats"? Did you think that he was really concerned that NJ was making --> unsupported --> statements, as opposed to offensive insulting statements
I have to say that while I don't agree with his moral views about homosexuality, NJ was not being understood. The moderators seemed to agree that NJ was referring to a moral relativity, not calling homosexuals the same as goat rapers (or whatever the fuck).
The moderators seemed to agree, and that coming from a gay man. If I'm not mistaken, Modulous is gay, or bi-sexual. Yet, curiously, one gay guy (Modulous) didn't see it as overtly offensive, and the other gay guy (Berberry) felt personally assaulted.
Even supposing there was an equivocation, was it customary to suspend people for being offensive? Quite frankly it boggles the mind how many overly-sensitive people were on the forum at that time. Jesus fucking Christ, people need to toughen the fuck up.
They participate because they firmly --> believe --> that their buddy did the right thing. I believe you firmly believed that none of the moderators had done anything wrong. I do!
I just don't understand what your intent is now. You made your point then, you're making your point now. It doesn't appear that the veritable scales have fallen off the eyes of Modulous, so to speak. He still seems to stand by his original actions, minus a few discrepancies that he's apologized for. Doesn't this simply amount to a differences of opinion?

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 34 by crashfrog, posted 06-28-2010 7:50 PM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 77 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 2:53 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

Inactive Member

Message 51 of 424 (567027)
06-29-2010 10:52 AM
Reply to: Message 39 by Bolder-dash
06-28-2010 11:30 PM

Re: Are you joking still?
Percy wants an echo chamber, and so that's what he gets, and I find it disgusting that he makes claims of it being one of the best moderated sites on the internet. As to how I have seen you personally be involved in discussion and moderations, I don't have a big problem with it, but at the same time you do begin virtually all conversations with an aire of "Well, let me do you a favor of explaining the truth to you..." and then it becomes a prolonged battle on the part of the responders to unravel the reasons why something isn't necessarily the truth, while at the same time being hurled at mercilessly with tomatoes by 10 of your philosophical cohorts, and then Percy.
I find it ironic that you say this, because many evolutionists have said the exact same thing, only in reverse. They've claimed, numerous times, that they're on a tight leash, but the creo's get away with bloody murder. In fact, in the threads that are being discussed now, I saw that charge against Percy slung around quite a bit.
What I see is a decent moderating team who impartially judge each thing carefully. There are some extremes from time to time. I think the Moose is a bit severe in the administration of his duties with his willingness to slam the gavel of justice at even the hint of an infraction.
All in all, Percy, Mod, Purple Dawn, do a very good job of moderating on average. I suspect that if most people were a moderator on this site, you'd see the true meaning of partiality and bias.
I think quite a few people on this thread are taking things for granted.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 39 by Bolder-dash, posted 06-28-2010 11:30 PM Bolder-dash has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 52 of 424 (567034)
06-29-2010 11:51 AM
Reply to: Message 40 by Taz
06-29-2010 1:01 AM

At the time, I tried to read NJ's comments in different ways. Taken in context of individual posts that he made this comment in, then yes one could argue that he was only musing about moral relativism. But since he kept bringing it up and kept asking what the moral difference was between homosexuality and rape, I really saw no other interpretation except that he was baiting.
Christians often bring up the philosophical trappings of moral relativism, and NJ seemed to be no exception. They seem to think that you can really corral the atheists with it. One could even argue that his infatuation was more with moral relativism versus moral absolutes, based on my readings, than about homosexuality. It seems that he used gay marriage and moral relativism as a way to prove that allowing for it means allowing everything because their is no way to morally distinguish one taboo thing from another.
In no way, however, was he saying that gays are the same as goat fuckers or rapists. I am mystified that you could even draw that inference. He clarified like 9,000 times. What his argument consisted of was if you allow for gay marriage, what moral imperative would preclude beastiality or any other "sexual sin?"
That's a long way off from saying that homosexuals are also zoophiles. I don't see how anyone can draw that inference.
I don't think he was "gay-bating," but even supposing he was, so what? Quite honestly if you were all too dumb not to take the bait, then he won that little social experiment, don't you think?
What concerns me is Crashfrog, you, Dan, Berberry, and Co. seem to wanted to have crucify NJ for his unpopular beliefs, and not for the content. You wanted the PC police to swoop in and punish him for not being politically correct. That's bullshit. That's worse than believing that gays have threesome's with sheep and kids.
We're not idiots.
Yeah, I'm not so sure about that if he was able to have stirred up so much animosity that three years later he and the moderators are single-handedly credited with the ruination of EvC. Either you misjudged what he was saying and heard what you wanted to hear, or you fell right in to his trap.
Without looking up the threads themselves, I even remember the first time berberry lost patience. NJ made the usual "if we allow homosexuals to get married, then what's to prevent people from marrying kids and dogs?" argument. Berberry replied with "we're not kids or dogs, you twit" or some other name calling. Berberry got a warning for that. So, apparently, it was ok to compare berberry to kids and dogs with a thin veil of moral relativism, it was not ok to call NJ a twit or some other name.
How is that comparing homosexuals to kids or dogs?
It is unquestionable that he didn't like homosexuality, just like 98% of Christians. He didn't hide that fact, but I've read countless threads that have attributed the the Great Purge, and I have to conclude that I see things as Modulous, who didn't even like him, and Mod's gay. I can't see it at all. Yeah, sure, he's a douche. But an even douchier thing is to want to ban or suspend people because their feelings were hurt.

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 Message 40 by Taz, posted 06-29-2010 1:01 AM Taz has replied

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 Message 55 by cavediver, posted 06-29-2010 12:25 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 57 by Taz, posted 06-29-2010 12:31 PM Hyroglyphx has replied
 Message 60 by Rahvin, posted 06-29-2010 12:45 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 63 of 424 (567056)
06-29-2010 1:00 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by Huntard
06-29-2010 12:30 PM

What puzzles me is how he misinterpreted that to mean that NJ thought homosexuals are kids and dogs. Is this what got all that started, cause it seems like an overreaction to me.
It's amazing how extreme the two differences of opinion are. One side is convinced that he was definately gay-baiting. The other side is saying it is an overreaction and misconstrual.
There doesn't seem to be any middle ground.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 56 by Huntard, posted 06-29-2010 12:30 PM Huntard has replied

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 Message 65 by Huntard, posted 06-29-2010 1:17 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 70 by Straggler, posted 06-29-2010 2:32 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

Inactive Member

Message 66 of 424 (567063)
06-29-2010 1:45 PM
Reply to: Message 57 by Taz
06-29-2010 12:31 PM

For the record, we have the records
And we clarified to him like 10,000 times that gay marriage and rape weren't two comparable things.
But he never made that comparison to begin with. He said, if you are a moral relativist and allow for gay marriage, what moral precept makes you preclude things like rape, incest, zoophilia, pedophilia, are aberrant? If you can't tell, what he's attempted to point out is his perception of the futility of moral relativism. You may think he's trying to be clever by disguising his insults, but I think he thought he was clever by turning moral relativism around on its head. That's where he thought he was Mr. Smarty Pants.
Yeah, I agree it's a piss poor slippery slope too, both as an argument against moral relativism and for gay marriage, but I really think you guys gave him more credit than what he's due in the clever department.
What's the difference between catholics and pedophiles?
Just based on that statement alone, NJ could say that you are making clear accusations that catholics and pedophiles are the same thing. What's more, you actually made the reference, with no disguise.
Should we therefore punish you for being hurtful to Catholics? Because from everything I read, that's basically what the lynch mob wanted to do to NJ. He said something offensive and he should be punished for it. That would be absurd, even if he directly said "I hate fags because they rape puppies!"
We didn't take the bait. We just became frustrated
But why do you care so much about his opinion that he needs to be punished or muzzled for his opinion? If you didn't want to see anyone banned or suspended (including him) what did you want to happen?
Isn't he entitled to even the most homophobic opinion? From what I read, he didn't hate homosexuals, he pitied them and feared the societal repurcussions of allowing it in to society.
It's delusional and every bit as vapid as all the other fundy arguments, yes, but surely he's allowed to have the opinion.
I even recently saw a thread in where he actually tried to make a mends and apologized for hurting Berberry's feelings. He even offered to censor himself a gesture of good faith. In my opinion, it was you guys being the pricks, not the other way around. You, in particular, even shunned his apology.
You guys are making him out to be some kind of hideous beast that crawled out of a swamp. All things considered, he was tame by fundy standards.
Mod ain't gay. He's bi, which is a totally different animal
If he's bisexual then obviously he's okay with homosexuals. My point is, Modulous would have had every personal reason to execute NJ. But apparently he interpreted it as I do and was not equating gays with pederasts and beastialists alike. If Modulous is such a terrible and partial moderator, NJ would have been history in the blink of an eye.
Then, of course, you have the rest of the forum interpreting it the same way, except for you, Crash, Rrhain, Dan, Outcastinator(?)and Berberry. From what atrocious behavior I witnessed from Berberry, and continue to witness from Rrhain, I'll take their testimonies with a grain of salt.
For the record, I never wanted anyone to get banned. I even repeatedly requested Admin to give a blanket amnesty to everyone, including some of the craziest crackpots we've ever seen. I don't want to see anyone banned.
I did see that. I think you did the right thing in that instance. It does beg the question though, in light of you not wanting bannings or suspensions, what did you want to happen to NJ?
Edited by Hyroglyphx, : No reason given.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 57 by Taz, posted 06-29-2010 12:31 PM Taz has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 79 of 424 (567084)
06-29-2010 3:02 PM
Reply to: Message 67 by crashfrog
06-29-2010 2:19 PM

Maybe it was you?
That was your ultimate failure as a moderator, the failure of the entire moderation team, and as NJ's repeated gay-baiting spiraled out of control, Percy fired the moderators and suspended the complainers. Even though he knew that NJ was the central cause of the controversy.
As inconceivable as I'm sure it may seem to you, did you ever stop to think that perhaps it was you, and a handful of uber-sensitive souls, that was the central cause of the controversy?

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 67 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 2:19 PM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 85 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 3:35 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 83 of 424 (567088)
06-29-2010 3:19 PM
Reply to: Message 70 by Straggler
06-29-2010 2:32 PM

This is probably the most accurate depiction I've yet seen throughout this thread.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 70 by Straggler, posted 06-29-2010 2:32 PM Straggler has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 86 of 424 (567091)
06-29-2010 3:35 PM
Reply to: Message 77 by crashfrog
06-29-2010 2:53 PM

Re: Offensive = suspension
The reason that offensive ad hominem attacks were against the forum guidelines, back then, wasn't because forum participants were shrinking violets who needed to have their feelings protected from mean people on the internet.
Regardless, I still haven't seen one clear instance of Nem using ad hominem or equating gays to any number of taboo things. I am growing very skeptical, much like Bluejay, that anything described even exists.
Can anyone provide a link that would condemn Nemesis J? So far Modulous seems to be very convincingly vindicating him.

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 77 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 2:53 PM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 89 by crashfrog, posted 06-29-2010 3:49 PM Hyroglyphx has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 162 of 424 (567232)
06-30-2010 8:26 AM

The Bombshell of Revelation
*deep breath in, and....*
I am Nemesis Juggernaut.
*glass breaks in the background*

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from mistaken conviction." — Blaise Pascal

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 Message 163 by cavediver, posted 06-30-2010 8:28 AM Hyroglyphx has replied
 Message 166 by Modulous, posted 06-30-2010 8:41 AM Hyroglyphx has replied
 Message 168 by Wounded King, posted 06-30-2010 8:48 AM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 171 by Huntard, posted 06-30-2010 9:07 AM Hyroglyphx has replied
 Message 178 by CosmicChimp, posted 06-30-2010 9:26 AM Hyroglyphx has not replied
 Message 198 by Straggler, posted 06-30-2010 1:30 PM Hyroglyphx has replied

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