Nice to see you again Crash!: I too, did not like the behaviour of NJ hounding Berberry and think it was wrong.
The admin may have erred on that matter (and the many worthy posters falling on their swords lends credence to this): they felt strongly enough to leave this place and become exodites in .
I think though, that this site has changed somewhat (for better or for worse) and wonder what (if anything), is to be gained from raking over the past.
The mods at the time were sacked and came back (to mostly their previous form, mostly*). I can't see what's to be gained from going back over a real mess of a time that I'm sure some people would have played differently if given their time over again.
And the the 'hack message' from our fearless leader is real: Dr A (I think) got totally hacked!
*random film idiom
Edited by Larni, : can't spell 'to'