I am referring to the Dysteological side of the argument. Sure, I understand that the RLN route is 'explained' by evolution, but this applies to any organ-body part. My finger nails are explained by evolution, but it is not used as evidence against a designer.
Don't be disingenuous. We both know that many go around with wide eyed wonder at the amazing "perfection" of the human body. This "perfect design" is used as "evidence" for the existence of a creator. That nonsense and illogic is where the disteleological argument originates. If no one tried to use the teleological argument then the opposite wouldn't be brought up.
The RLN is used as an example because it fits so very well in with the rest of the evolutionary information and because it is not possible to make up an ID explanation for it unless one goes back centuries (no, millenia) to when the brain was a cooling organ and the heart was the source of emotion. When that is what an IDist is driven to it just emphasizes the unlikelihood of a teleological argument for the RLN being reasonable.