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Author Topic:   Unintelligent design (recurrent laryngeal nerve)
Suspended Member (Idle past 5565 days)
Posts: 129
Joined: 10-10-2009

Message 1 of 4 (530012)
10-11-2009 6:41 PM

The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve which innervates the larynx. But, instead of branching off in the neck and travelling directly to the larynx, for evolutionary reasons it follows a long, looping course down the neck into the thorax, before doubling back on itself to ascend back up the neck to the larynx. This circuitous route is why it's called "recurrent".
As well as being perverse and wasteful, from a "design" point of view, this anatomical arrangement makes the nerve much more vulnerable to injury. In fish, it goes direct.
Compared with a putative designer of life, the Universe, and everything, I'm not very intelligent, but I think even I would have ironed this one out. Did she have a good day with fish, but an off day with mammals?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Edited by Blzebub, : Naughty title, add picture
Edited by Blzebub, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2009 11:32 PM Blzebub has replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 2 of 4 (530028)
10-11-2009 11:32 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Blzebub
10-11-2009 6:41 PM

Good enough message 1 - Terrible topic title
At least in concept, a proper topic title does much to define the intent and scope of the topic. That said, my impression is that most members are oblivious to what's in the topic title.
Please change the topic title (via editing message 1) to directly and specifically connect up with the message 1 content. And don't include any "IDiot" in it.
Please post an "OK, done" type reply to this message, when you are "done and OK".

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 Message 1 by Blzebub, posted 10-11-2009 6:41 PM Blzebub has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 3 by Blzebub, posted 10-12-2009 3:42 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5565 days)
Posts: 129
Joined: 10-10-2009

Message 3 of 4 (530058)
10-12-2009 3:42 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by Adminnemooseus
10-11-2009 11:32 PM

Re: Good enough message 1 - Terrible topic title
ok done

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2009 11:32 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 4 of 4 (530060)
10-12-2009 4:00 AM

Thread Copied to Intelligent Design Forum
Thread copied to the Unintelligent design (recurrent laryngeal nerve) thread in the Intelligent Design forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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