I guess I'm one of those. My unmarried teenaged mother couldn't find or afford an abortion so she put me in an orphanage. She and I finally found each other again 45 years later.
During my life I've touched the lives of literally thousands of young people, fathered 2 kids, grandfathered 2 and now am the great-grandfather of 1. Had she found and could afford an abortionist, all those who have been touched by my life would not.
I've seen a sign that says "An abortion stops a beating heart." It stops more than that, it stops generations of beating hearts.
Prochoicers say a woman's body is up to her to control, yet there are all kinds of rules that women must follow pertaining to her body.
My understanding is a woman's mental problems are multiplied by an abortion. I've seen young teenagers who became a different person after an abortion.
I don't like the idea of a woman being raped, period. But a child that is the result of it is not responsible and should be put up for adoption, not killed.
As for the means of keeping an egg from attaching being a form of abortion, the egg is not a human until it is attached and starts the process of forming. I believe that is 'conception'.