crashfrog writes:
I understand that some who oppose abortion oppose it in any case whatsoever, but I don't understand the reasoning behind the moderates who allow in the case of rape and incest. I'm hoping that some of them would be kind enough to explain it to me. I, of course, support abortion for any reason the mother sees fit.
I have defined myself as a "pro-choice Christian---a position that earns me scorn from the right wingers, but I would guess that the reason abortion is "accepted" in the cases of rape/incest have to do with the Mother having no choice in the conception. From what I've heard lately, the big argument these days is on the acceptance of partial-birth abortions---where the babies skull is crushed on its way out of the womb. I would not support the Mothers right to commit infanticide. Then again, maybe I've only heard one side of the issue......