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Author Topic:   Political Identity Crisis
Member (Idle past 3246 days)
Posts: 504
From: Juneau, Alaska, USA
Joined: 03-22-2004

Message 78 of 153 (282274)
01-29-2006 4:06 AM
Reply to: Message 53 by randman
01-28-2006 3:00 AM

Re: bottom line for me...
You claim:
Liberals ran the government for 40 years or so
Please provide details. I searched for your statement on Google and the first hit was the NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women) website. As for the executive branch of the government (assuming you are referring to the period prior to our current president) since 1960 we have had a total of 20 years of Democrats and 20 years of Republicans. In that same time period we had a nice back and forth adding up to 50% of Senate control each by Dems and Republicans. Democrats did dominate the House for 35 of those years. So what 40 year period did "Liberals" control the government? Or is that just another easy to remember piece of propaganda that is easier to say than actually looking up a fact or reading original sources on something? 'Tis you style Rand.
And since I am on a soapbox (admittedly of my own creation), I am sick and tired of the right constantly taking credit/avoiding blame on the issues based on who is in power. Clinton's budget surplus is because of Reagan's policies, the current deficit is because of Clinton's policies. On and on. My brother-in-law is a staunch Republican, so I get to hear this over and over again. Everything good in the last century is due to Republican rule, everything bad is Democrat. Every scandal involving Republican is liberal media bias, every scandal with Democrats deserves a multi-million dollar investigation. Now with the Abramoff confessions we are finding out that these moral leaders of our country are dealing with petty thugs to get their way.

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 Message 53 by randman, posted 01-28-2006 3:00 AM randman has replied

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 Message 82 by randman, posted 01-29-2006 2:49 PM Lithodid-Man has replied

Member (Idle past 3246 days)
Posts: 504
From: Juneau, Alaska, USA
Joined: 03-22-2004

Message 89 of 153 (282461)
01-30-2006 2:35 AM
Reply to: Message 82 by randman
01-29-2006 2:49 PM

Re: bottom line for me...
I assume you mean the Senate by Congress, as Repubs dominated the House during that entire time period. My guess is that the "many government programs and policies" you are talking about are the ones instituted that prevented many Americans from literally starving to death in the 30's. The programs that put people to work. I recognize that FDR was leaning a bit to the Socialist camp, but he saved our country (not that I have anything against Socialists, in fact I lean heavily that way myself). But he put our country back to work, led us through WWII, and set up the conditions that allowed for the end of segregation. Liberal - yes, bad -no.
One of the funny things (on an aside) my ultra-right brother (not Repub, way way to the right, he has a poster of McVeigh on his wall bearing the slogan "last American Patriot") likes to talk about is how Democrats (he uses liberals) sold out our country by abandoning the gold standard. First of all when questioned he has no real idea of what it means (kind of like "Zellinger" vs. "Zeilinger", remember Rand?). Second he attributes it to liberals when it was a Republican idea to start with, only adopted by Dems when it was neccessary. I think it is a great idea and conservatives should be proud. But it is funny that it is remembered as a crazy liberal idea. Just my aside.

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 Message 82 by randman, posted 01-29-2006 2:49 PM randman has not replied

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