I've been having trouble lately with pinning down my political identity.
Go to the library and do a whole lot of reading.
When it comes to economics, I tend to drift back and forth between socialist and libertarian.
Yep. Since both socialism and libertarianism are actually social and political theories (and at least socialism is a catch-all word for a wide variety of political and social theories), it appears that you really do need to do a whole lot of reading.
Have any of you gone through a period where you struggled with this?
Yep. Not so much in terms of labels -- I have been pretty comfortable calling myself an anarchist/communist/socialist since high school -- as much as it was in figuring out exactly what it that I believed, what I accepted, and, especially, trying to figure out how much of my beliefs were mutually inconsisten.
If so, how did you ultimately arrive at a point of clarity?
Well, it never actually ends -- I would hope that you never reach a point where you are absolutely certain of your beliefs and your stances on issues. But there did come a point of clarity, where things finally began to make a lot of sense. That came after...a whole lot of reading.
"Intellectually, scientifically, even artistically, fundamentalism -- biblical literalism -- is a road to nowhere, because it insists on fidelity to revealed truths that are not true." -- Katha Pollitt