Economic Left/Right: -2.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.69
I actually did it twice. The first time, my scores were wildly left/libertarian, but I think I was listening to a nagging, peer-pressure-y voice that comes from being mostly surrounded by liberal-minded friends and colleagues. So, I tried it again, making an effort to separate my personal feelings from the peer-pressure voice, and ended up with that result above.
It still "feels" inaccurate to me, but I don't know why.
I found a lot of the questions somewhat less easy to answer than in other quizzes I've taken. Sometimes, such as the question about "protectionism in trade," I just don't know what the terminology means. In others, I don't feel like I have the experience to say, such as the question about "first-generation immigrants being fully integrated." In others, I'm not entirely sure what I'm being asked. For example, I have many concerns about multinational agrochemical corporations, but "unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries" doesn't sound like an accurate description of my concerns. In fact, it sounds kind of pseudo-sciencey to me.
I also feel like some questions tried to force me into a box that I didn't want to be in. For example, on the question about whether businessmen and manufacturers are more important than writers or artists, my feelings about writers and artists are quite different. So, being forced to group writers and artists made my answer feel uncomfortable and unnatural to me.
Overall, it felt kind of arcane and uninformative to me.
-Blue Jay, Ph.D.*
*Yeah, it's real
Darwin loves you.