So you believe just mentioning "God" means one loses a debate, eh?
It depends on what the debate is. If the subject is science, then yes. If the subject basically is " I can not understand how it could be otherwise" when it comes to how life formed, or how the cosmos formed etc etc, it becomes an appeal to personal incrediblity.
An appeal to the lack of understanding on our part to be 'god' makes god retreat every time we do understand something. Disese used to be 'god's will'. We have better medicinces now, and we know about virus's and bacteria. We know about how weather works. We know what causes lightning strikes. We know the mechanmics about why tornado's form.
It isn't zues throwing those lightning bolts.. it isn't a curse from god that is causing people to catch the flu. And, it is starting to become clearer on how the first self replicating organic molecules formed on the early earth..