Interestingly, he is dead on when he says that DNA is not information but only a communication medium, though we don't usually take this particular perspective in discussions here.
I don't think you are even hinting at this but then again maybe you are, still I think there is a fit so I'll toss this out. We focus on the organism as the figure of interest but we need to keep in mind that organism is only part of a complex process of
organism/environment. Organisms can't exist independent of environments and they alter their environment and are envirnoment for other organisms.
I don't know if this is the gaia hypothesis or what but it's ultimately one system and the earth system has been growing more complex and this complexity observes the laws of science as we begin to understand them so it's clearly a function of this universe.
Now the prescientific religious thinkers didn't have a scientific conception of system theory and could imagination situations that violated much of what we now know can't be done.
Like you I don't know what the term information plays in this. I just thought I'd point out to Garrett that it's just not organisms but the total environment that changes and that through various events and pressures "selects" for various mutations.