Accepting that God is omniscient, and knows how evryone would react to any given situation, and he knows how the future is going to turn out... does that mean we're all governed by predestination? Does that mean God forsees every major disaster and every minor tribulation, but, and here's the kicker... it's our fault? Even though we assume that he knew exactly how it was going to play out, and that it couldn't have turned out any other way?
1) Well... we
do have free will... but God knows exactly what we're going to do with our free will. The man upstairs may have his hands the Master Plan. This is assuming omniscience.
2)Why would he test people? Imagine you become all-powerful when you wake up tomorrow morning. You do all the things you've dreamt of doing with godlike power... and then you start getting bored. There's nothing left to do... So whip up some playthings. Think of life as the divine version of the Sims. Perhaps you're meant to guide the lives of those little fellers, but by golly, it's so much more satisfying to put them in little windowless rooms while the house is aflame.
3)Why the Flood...? I have no faith in that, so i'll blame it on Jesus
4)In fact... why did he make a people who would need to eat the Apple? Physically, or mentally... think about it. Tell me i can do anything - anything at all - in the Garden of Eden, but eat this one apple which grants knowledge, it'll be devoured the second you turn your back.
5)Malevolent, benevolent, it's a bit arbitrary. Option A. God has a master plan, which is always playing out, and he just sits back. Option B. God interferes with free will and watches the Chaos unfold. Option c. God is like any of us, and plays around with humanity for a bit of a laugh.
Push through that door...
Beyond it are monsters and saints and sinners and freaks more remarkable than anything you have seen on our travels through antiquity...