I apologize if these questions have already been asked and/or answered in some other thread, but I am just beginning here. If they have, please just post the thread that has the answers for me.
These questions are mostly for biblical literalists, and for anyone who believes in the Christian God. I am personally a skeptical agnostic. I will admit the possibility of a supreme being, but do not personally believe in one.
1) How can you have free will with an omniscient god?
2) Why would an omniscient god "test" people?
3) Why would an omnipotent god need the flood, and if it was just chosen arbitrarily, why would an omnipotent god need an ark to save Noah and the animals?
4) Why would an omniscient and omnipotent god make a group of people that would need to be killed in the flood, or get kicked out of the Garden in the first place?
5) How do we know that god is omnibenevolent rather than omnimalevolent?
6) If god is not omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent, as some may say to answer some of the above questions, why would he be worth praying to?
Once you give a character too much power and/or knowledge, it becomes difficult to explain many of the occurances in the Bible, and even in current, observable life. I have a few other questions, but will wait to see what answers I get to these "simple" ones before bringing in other, more complicated ones.
"Of course...we all create god in our own image" - Willard Decker Star Trek: The Motion Picture
edited to change the topic name
[This message has been edited by Perdition, 05-15-2003]