Close. The problem isn't really the 'knowing the future.' It is the 'omniscient.' A creature could exist who has always been able to predict the future and has always been 100% accurate, and this since the beginning of the universe. This would not be a problem. The problem occurs when a claim is made that the creature CANNOT be wrong.
Yes, I'd agree.
I'd define free will as 'the ability to perform an action or not perform an action'.
The simple argument is:
God knows John will do A,
and if God is infallible, then John will do A,
It was within John's ability not to do A, (freewill definition)
John had the ability to perform and action which would of brought about a false belief in God, hence the being is not God
So was it within John's ability to perform an action which would of brought about a false belief by God?
There does seem to be a fatal flaw in a deduction in this argument. Anybody see it?
[This message has been edited by JustinCy, 08-06-2003]