I'm not saying an omnigod is definitely worth praying to, but I AM saying that I do not believe that a non-omnigod is worth praying to. If ghod is just a very intelligent being, we do not owe it any more supplication than, say Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein.
You seem to have a strange idea of what prayer involves.
Needing guidance, would you not respect the wise for their wisdom? Needing help, would you not seek help from those who can assist you? Needing comfort would you not seek comfort from those who can comfort you?
Maybe you wouldn't, but it would hardly be remiss of others if they did. And have you never praised someone for their virtue, their skill, their intelligence, their wisdom? Have you never been in love and adored your lover for nothing more than being there? If you haven't, I am truly sorry for you!
Now, what if these qualities were not even infinite, but still almost unimaginably great, though with their flaws. Would you still not respect, or seek help, or seek comfort in proportion to those qualities?