Once again....Why is the Human species the "only" one that is pathetically addicted to committing wilful and deliberate acts that go totally against light, law and conscience??
Ermmm... I doubt that this is factual, though it may depend critically on the definitions you pick for "light, law and conscience." Every act of a blind cave fish might be construed as being "against light....."
But to attempt an answer: humans have quite a bit more cognitive ability than the other species currently on earth. It could be argued that we're the only species with "law" only because we're the only species with a culture convoluted enough to have lawyers. But a pride of lions has "rules" - the dominant female is a boss of sorts, and other females cooperate with her in hunting and defense of cubs. And they defend those cubs vigorously against male lions who appear to be wilfully and deliberately trying to kill the cute furry little buggers that they didn't sire. How does that differ from an abusive stepfather among humans?
Bands of chimpanzees, too, have been seen to kill "strangers" to their group. Sharks go into "feeding frenzies" and kill far in excess of what they eat. How do these behaviors differ from yhe sorry acts that people sometimes engage in?