FC - " IMO, being an evolutionary creationist, God allowed the Big Bang to happen and let things unfold according to his natural law. It would violate God's character to just arbitrarily mess around with his natural law."
DB- you stated above that God just doesn't mess around with his natural laws. Now wouldn't that be a contradiction for him to work miracles? see the contradiction below.
FC - "I assume God's natural law remains constant. There are a few exceptions to this however, any miracles talked about in the Bible for example..." also "Therefore, he had to defy his own natural law so that he could be in a relationship with his creation." or even "I believe God has a pretty good handle on what we will choose, but I do not think he knows exactly what I will do in every instance."
DB - The above is a contradiction of immense proportions. A Christian God who isn't omniscient/omnipotent and therefor able to predict an outcome or "determine" before creation what would happen at ALL TIMES is by definition NOT omniscient/omnipotent and therefor ranks along with the God's of the Greek pantheon, IMO. He therefor sets himself up to be fallible just by intervening in the universe of his creation.
Doesn't intervention preclude free-will? So not only is God a fallible meddler but also a puppet-master predeterministic entity.
On a side note, how are the "quote boxes" made?