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Author Topic:   Believe in UFOs? This editorial's for you!
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Message 27 of 214 (864113)
10-07-2019 12:23 AM

So, I have never been a UFO guy whatsoever, that Ancient Aliens show drives me insane, and in general I've been extremely skeptical if not totally bored with the topic. Having prefaced it with that, I did see something back in late 2010 that I simply could not rationalize.
I was stationed on the USCGC Tahoma located at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, ME (or Portsmouth, NH depending on who you talk you). We were steaming down for operations in the Caribbean but had a scheduled refuel/resupply at Naval Air Station Jacksonville (Florida).
While underway and not focusing on law enforcement operations, my job was to plot the ship's course, so I spent a lot of time on the bridge. Earlier in the day we were running various drills. Its customary during the day to fly something called "day shapes," internationally recognized signal flags and shapes which communicates non-verbally to other ships what you are doing. Long after the drills were complete, my OPS boss realized we were still flying the shapes at night and tasked me with securing them.
Because they are running super intense radar, capable of frying your nuts, its a good idea to contact the radarmen to momentarily secure radar. Once that's done I go up to the O-3 deck which is the tallest point aside from the mast. I secured the day shapes in their locker.
Meanwhile, it is pitch black, as we were about 7 miles off the central coast of Georgia. This is a kind of darkness foreign to any city dwellers. Even the moonlight was scant. So dark you could barely make out the water line. Just as I'm getting ready to walk back down the ladder well, off to the Port side, I see a bright, yellow-orangish orb. My heart sinks because what it looks like to me is the mast light on a sailing vessel. Based on the size of the orb, which is kind of dancing around, it seems way too close and a collision seems inevitable. And because I'm on the ocean, which is pitching and rolling, it looks like this thing is pitching and rolling counter to me. All seems normal when it comes to physics.
It quickly becomes apparent, however, that this thing starts doing loops, figure-eight patterns, is shooting up in the sky at a tremendous speed, shooting down, zigzag patterns, moving in no discernible pattern and is moving with the agility of dragonfly. It would go from a complete hover to an insane acrobatic maneuver in fractions of a second.
Meanwhile, we are steaming south at about 15-20 knots. So while it is performing these acrobatic maneuvers it is also clearly pacing the linear movement of the ship. I could not move an inch. I stared intently at this thing for about a minute straight. Whatever it was clearly was cognizant of the ship's existence, clearly demonstrated an intent to monitor it, before it whizzed off east at speeds I couldn't begin to calculate, as my eyes strained to see it as it disappeared.
Because my backdrop was so dark, I had no frame of reference to determine if it was a large object far away or a small object close up. But my best guess was that it was fairly small, maybe the diameter of a small car, and was only about 150 feet from me. It made no sound whatsoever. There was nothing trailing it, like a rotor wash or jet wash, no beam of light connected to the orb. It was just a silent orb dancing erratically at speeds and made turns that defies both physics and logic.
So after standing there for a few more minutes trying to collect my thoughts, I finally went down. The first thing I did was looked for the lookout... even with modern technology like radar, there's always a physical lookout... naturally, he was on the starboard side. Great.
I asked the other people on the bridge if they had seen anything. Everyone was engaged in conversation and no one seemed alarmed. I was clearly the only dickhead who saw something... so what do you think would happen if I told my story right then and there? Yeah, I'd be mocked and ridiculed... and I couldn't blame them, because the first thing I would have done was try to rationalize it. I couldn't think for the remainder of my watch. I kept finding myself looking out the windows for any glimpse of it again.
All I can tell you is that the agility of this thing, based on conventional wisdom, is that its impossible. Because conventional wisdom would tell you that the G-forces at those speeds during those turns would have torn it to shreds. But clearly that wasn't the case. This was either late November or early December of 2010. I've never seen anything like that before or since. I can't tell you what it was and honestly its pointless to speculate. Obviously the mind wanders to two possibilities... either some insane, top secret craft that some government is testing or some kind of extra-terrestrial craft. The only thing I can certify was that it was unidentified, it was flying, and it was an object.
I had only told my wife this story up until about 5 months ago until I saw this. And it was only after seeing this that I felt more validated. The erratic movements featured at 15:50 was pretty demonstrable to the orb that I saw, but at night, and obviously the graphics can't compare to the real life speed and agility.
I'm not an "aliens" guy... In terms of probability, given the size of the universe, it seems completely conceivable that life is possible outside of our galaxy. But that there would two civilizations simultaneously capable of about the same technology finding one another seems more remote. But what else can I deduce? I don't even have a starting point in which to rationalize it. It literally must be something like these uncontacted tribes seeing a helicopter for the first time. They see it, obviously, but how could they be tasked to explain what they actually saw? It made me feel primitive... and completely vulnerable.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine

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 Message 30 by Faith, posted 10-07-2019 9:14 AM Hyroglyphx has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 58 of 214 (864469)
10-11-2019 4:58 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by AZPaul3
10-11-2019 3:57 PM

Re: Lions and Tigers and Bears?
No one peered through the cockpit window of a spinning flying saucer and saw an almond-eyed grey or the red visor flash of a cylon. No one saw ET.
What they saw was unidentified. That does not equate to, does not even imply, ET.
I agree. I had a pretty amazing experience once in my life, but I have always refrained from drawing any real conclusions because its pointlessly speculative to do so. We don't even have a frame of reference in which to draw an inference let alone formulate a conclusion.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine

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Inactive Member

Message 121 of 214 (865013)
10-20-2019 12:12 AM
Reply to: Message 119 by AnswersInGenitals
10-18-2019 5:06 PM

Re: Optical illusions and optical delusions
he human mind has evolved a very strong ‘fill in the blanks’ tendency, very helpful when you hear a rustling in the bushes and can’t tell if its the wind or a lion.
No disagreement there.
As a previous poster noted, when while piloting an airplane at night and seeing a small circular light, he couldn’t tell if it was large and far away or small and close. But he still concludes it was the size of a car and 150 feet away.
The poster you're referencing was me. It was actually from the deck of a ship though. And in the spirit of that fill-in-the-blanks my first thought was that it was the mast light from a ship. The mind attempts to rationalize what it sees by scouring the mental database of things it knows. But mast lights don't move like that. As to the size, my backdrop was pitch black, so much so that I could barely see the white caps of the waves to distinguish between the water line and the sky. Needless to say attempting to gauge size was extremely difficult. If I absolutely had to guess I would estimate that was a relatively small object at midrange... but I can't certify it and my estimation could have been totally wrong.
All I can say for sure is that I've never witnessed anything like that brief, one minute encounter before or since. I can't and therefore won't say what it was -- just that it was so out of the ordinary that it was memorable.
And I won't blame you an iota for your skepticism... because I would share the exact same reservations for the exact same reasons.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine

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 Message 119 by AnswersInGenitals, posted 10-18-2019 5:06 PM AnswersInGenitals has not replied

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