I have serius doubts that any would come to see us, we are a species barely out of its dipers still believing in magic men in the sky, we still our own kind for idiotic reasons, and given how we screwed up the planet we probably wont make it as a space faring species, so its doubtful we are interesting enough for any advanced species that could make it here to actually warrent the trip.
From how far away do you think our "screwedupness" can be detected?
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846)
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We got a thousand points of light for the homeless man. We've got a kinder, gentler, machine gun hand. Neil Young, Rockin' in the Free World.
Worrying about the "browning of America" is not racism. -- Faith
I hate you all, you hate me -- Faith