To what?
The, according to the OP, issue that keeps coming up.
What's the deal with all these radical muslims?
"The jews were bad too 80 years ago" doesn't seem very relevant to me.
I'm comparing radical and violent religiopolitical views and actions.
You disguised a bunch of jewish violence as being muslim and then made it a big joke.
Sorry for not getting it.
Because the topic is about the difference between non radical and radical Islam I thought it useful to show the difference between another religious group that has had radical and violent elements in it.
That seems disingenuous, but I suppose it could be a fruitful effort. So, what?
The time those elements existed hardly seems particularly relevant.
Depends on the goal, but I suppose I'm missing the point.
I know, right?
Sorry, the pic is blocked. I'll see it later.
It's almost as if when some people go around saying that when Muslim immigrants do these things it is evidence of Islamic migration is destroying our culture are engaging in hyperbole and fearmongering. Damn - it's almost if I was trying to set that kind of point up by utilizing a group Conservatives are less inclined to criticize.
Well it went over my head.
And I still don't how 80 year old jewish violence should matter in a discussion about muslim violence today.
"There's some muslims being bad, what's that about?"
"Yeah, well the jews were bad too!"
"Okay, so there's some muslims being bad, what's that about?"
A Muslim could say that we should treat women equally, but that isn't anything that is inherent to Islam.
Ask Pastor Stephen Anderson and you'll find him saying that it isn't a tenet of Christianity. Ask the Haredi jews and you'll see they say that isn't a tenet of Judaism.