I did read that message 27, although I tend to have a short attention span and the mind may have wandered before I got to the end. Also have a crappy memory.
...destroy the freedoms, liberties and way of life they so hate about the United States.
My impression is that Osama and the such are not concerned about our freedoms and liberties, other than how such may influence how we execute our "way of life". We use and abuse much of the rest of the world to further our own greedy self-interests. To a great degree, much of the rest of the world, including terrorists, have much to legitimately hate about the U.S, and GWB has only added to it.
But this is getting rather badly off-topic.
Perhaps you would be up to starting a new topic on those "kind and benevolent" organizations such as the World Trade Organization (Center???) and World Bank. Through economic (and supporting military) actions, the U.S. and others have a substantial history of inflicting socio/economic terrorism/warfare on peoples of the world.
There is always the big question "Do evil acts by one party justify evil acts by others"? Osama apparently thinks yes, and is he totally wrong?
ps: Listening to the Dead Kennedys "best of" collection "Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death". Right now, the war is good for the economy rant "Kinky Sex Makes The World Go Round".
Added by edit: Tune available at
http://www.wfmu.org/listen.ram?show=8801&starttime=0:54:15 (require RealAudio).
This message has been edited by minnemooseus, 12-22-2005 06:10 PM