Part of living is a free country is ACCEPTING the responsbilities and risks that come from having a free society.
In my opinion, anyone that wants to surrender any of their fundamental rights because they fear terrorists is a coward. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin
He who surrenders liberty for security deserves neither
I'm really disappointed at how cowardly many Americans are. I know that 9/11 was a horrific incident... but worse things have happened before and will happen again. Force and authoritarianism do not win conflicts like this.... Ideals do. You can not beat the enemy by becoming the enemy.
Everytime we surrender freedom we lose another battle against the terrorists.
Part of living in the Uniited States is accepting the responsibilities and risks that come with freedom.
It scares that people don't realize what is happening. The terrorists NEVER have to attack again to beat us. They have already TRICKED this country into surrendering it's own freedom buy preying on the cowardice of our citizens. Al-Queda can make empty threats and laugh as we surrender freedom after freedom.
It's a very, very sad thing that is happening.... I hope that there are more brave Americans out there that will stand up for our way of life.