Al Jazeera this morning aired a demonstration of Iraqi Shiah (Shi'ite) masses calling to put their leaders, the Ayatullahs, in power. The Shiah majority of Iraq (about 70%?) had been opressed under the Saddam regime, and it is only fair for them to hold power, because we love democracy and if they want to elect their Ayatullah as the new leader of Iraq, we should honour their free choice.
The same goes to the Kurds, let them have their glorious nation of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, after being opressed for a longer time since the days of Ottoman rule of Iraq.
GIs come there to liberate them from tyranny and gave them democracy right?
I think it's only fair that we should let Shiahs rule Iraq. Iran would be pleased
(though the Saudi may not).
If the Iraqis hold an election, and they choose one Ayatullah as their leader, we should honour their choice.
WHat do you think?
Of course, it is possible that the new government might turn out not Israel-friendly