I wonder how, in your blind idolatry of President Bush, you fail to see the facts behind those cases you quote of his "humanity" toward poeple in the world who are not American. The Aids epidemic has been going on in Africa for quite some time, and now we are hearing of this supposed 15$B aid to Africa. It is a travisty that we have not sent more help to them sooner. On the subject of Bush's propposed aid package, you might want to check up on how much money is actually going to those countries that need help and not to line the coffers of american companies. Also, instead of the money going to the Global Aids Fund which is set up to efficiently handle these types of donations, only 10% of the money is going to them, and the rest is going to be set up by a U.S. agency. Here we have an opportunity to use a structure set up to fight aids but instead we are going to have to create a new government agency. It also seems that though Bush describes the aids epidemic as an "emergency", the little money coming in, after special interests have taken what they need from the fund, won't arrive until 2004!
Though I am somewhat hesitant to link opinion pieces, I think that it does give some insight into the problems that exist with Bush's proposal. Philadelphia local news, sports, jobs, cars, homesAnalysis - President George W. Bush's surprise call urging an "Emergency Plan for Aids Relief" targeted at the "most afflicted" nations of Africa and the Caribbean has been applauded for the new attention it brings to HIV/Aids. But because most of the money will be applied bilaterally - directly from Washington to recipient countries - there is concern that the UN-sponsored Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria will be undermined.
Some may say that just by making such a pledge as Bush did, that he is doing something great, but he also pledged 500$M to the Global fund and later reneged. Again we see it is an emergency in his mind, eh? I think its great, if its true, that the money will go to africa or be directly involved in helping to stop the spread of aids globally. I have serious reservations on the veracity of Bush's statements, though. I seem to recall, though I could not find the article, that a majority of the money he is proposing will go to US pharmacutical companies. Though arguably this is good in that you expect a cure to come from those same companies, those same companies were recently trying to stop cheap drugs being created to help in the fight. They would lose money was the argument, though the pharmaceutical industry spends billions just in "sales promotions" to pharmacies.
I'd like to respond more to the post but for now I need to get back to my finals studying.