I've been following the debate on this site for over a month now and have learned a great deal by doing so. I especially enjoy John's post which almost always hit the right spot and are very well written. But as an atheistic evolutionist I am aware I could be a bit prejudiced

My question concerns the dating methods used for hominid fossils. I recently read a creationist article stating that we dont have any dating methods which can be used for between 200.000 and 40.000 years ago. Because it is believed the speciation for Erectus into Sapiens would have occured within this timeframe there is no ground for saying that humans evolved from apes, according to the article.
As I understand it carbon dating has an upperlimit of about 50.000 and K-Ar can only be accurately used for dating rock that are millions of years old. So do the creationists have a point here? (tbh I expect not as the article went ahead in discussing the merits of Hydroplate theory.....)