but there were three typos or misspelled words in your sentence
Perhaps the forums guidelines could be extended to cover some of this.
Some indivduals are using English as a 2nd, 3rd ... language. No one, like myself who is monolingual, can be at all critical of any errors they make. I think a reminder to that effect should be added to the guidelines.
Others, like myself, have a problem with spelling. Others, like myself, type to fast and generate typos. Are we supposed to edit everthing before we post? It is hard to find the time to keep up anyway.
A forum guideline could point out that we all, even if not deliberately, are influenced in our opinion of the poster by things like grammer and spelling. A poster might want to remember that.
At the same time another guideline might remind us that the spelling and grammer don't count as much as the reasoning being put forward.
All that said, if the errors make the material incomprehensible then more care if needed.
(of course, some seem to spell just fine and perhaps even get the grammer right and still produce utterly incomprehensible posts --- I really hope that doesn't include me
