So? What do you think the problem is? Do you think that CNN is broadcasting reports like "US forces believe that Osama bin Laden is located at 123 4th St. in Baghdad and will raid that house at 8:00 tonight?"
No, but being that it is possible that the people we are fighting against are very isolated, any information that we think is outdated, might be useful to them. Unless you fully understand every situation, you'll have to admit there is a possibility. Why take a chance?
The only message we send our enemies, is that we don't trust our government, and we are a screwd up society, cause we can't keep secrets among ourselves.
The problem about "media hurting the war" is that the media sometimes (not often, but sometimes) publishes information that contradict the government's lies about why the war is taking place, and perhaps even reminding viewers and readers that innocent people as well as American service personel are being killed by in a foreign invasion that occurred for no justified reason.
Or the reciprocal of that. Al-jeezera does a fine job of reporting the war, wouldn't you agree?
I know a few people that actually fought over there, and their reports contradict what we see on the news. Having heard that from the source, gives me pause to wonder if the media is in fact hurting the war. Plus, I really never trust the media completely to begin with.
The people, by being informed and then exercising their rights as voters, may decide to end the war.
We should have our act together before the fact. We shouldn't have had Bush in the white house to begin with, even though I voted for him.
I am not saying we should not know what is going on, I am saying there is a time and place for everything.