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Author Topic:   Is the media hurting the war?
Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 46 of 145 (408995)
07-06-2007 1:17 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by taylor_31
06-29-2007 9:44 PM

Hi Taylor.
The first thing to point out is that the media is in Iraq to sell commercials/newspapers/magazines. Their job is not to report the news, but to make money.
What is an IED? I'll tell you what it is and what it isn't. It is not a weapon that stops CF (Coalition Forces) tactically or strategically. Not one IED has ever stopped a unit from accomplishing its mission. An IED is a statement. It is designed to erode the popular support for the campaign (Iraq is a campaign in the Global War on Terror) in order to facilitate CF withdrawal so that Al Qaeda can claim victory.
If there were no media to report these events, there would be no insurgency, for they would have no way to get their message out.
That being said, a free press is an integral part of our freedom and they must be allowed to do their jobs because they perform their part in keeping the government in check. I do happen to agree with your neo about the Press comparison during WWII and today. I would think that the discrepancy is due to the fact that good news SOLD during the WWII era, and it doesn't sell today.
The Press is a business. Its reason for existance is to maximize owner wealth, just like any other business.
Edited by Tal, : No reason given.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 53 by DrJones*, posted 07-06-2007 5:05 PM Tal has not replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 54 of 145 (409116)
07-07-2007 12:41 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by taylor_31
07-06-2007 3:12 PM

Re: Money
I assume that you are currently serving in Iraq. If so, thank you for your service, and I hope that you had a good Independence Day.
Yes, this is my 3d Combat Tour, second in Baghdad, you're welcome, and I celebrated July 4th with a Fish Sandwich.
Not one IED has ever stopped a unit from accomplishing its mission. An IED is a statement. It is designed to erode the popular support for the campaign (Iraq is a campaign in the Global War on Terror) in order to facilitate CF withdrawal so that Al Qaeda can claim victory.
But surely an IED is more than a mere statement! It seems that IEDs are but one tool of a lethal insurgency which has driven Iraqi political and social life into the gutter. Because of this insurgency, Iraq is now in the throes of a civil war. I think the media is simply reporting this hard fact. Doesn't the public have a right to know this?
Well, let me address the civil war issue. 90ish% of the violence in Iraq happens in a 30 square mile radius of Baghdad. I know first hand. My BCT (2d Brigade Comat Team, 82d Airborne) works the Adhamiyah and Sadr City neighborhoods. If I were to tell you that 90% of the violence in Texas happened in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I don't think you would conclude that Texas is in a civil war. At least I don't. The Shia and Sunni tribes don't just wake up in the morning intent on killing each other. Sunni extremists (former Bathists for the most part) work with AQI to kill Shia with car bombs, or executions, or whatever they can. The bloodier the better, because that generates headlines. Shia extremists are backed by the Hezbos and Iran to broaden their influence by either killing CF or Sunnis. Since these acts generate alot of press, it causes backlash from both communities, and in the past has locked each faction in mutually reenforcing cycles of violence.
Now what you didn't hear much about was the latest attack on minerets of the Golden Dome in Samarra a few weeks back. Last year, when AQI blew the dome up, there was a huge backlash of violence; which was covered extensively in the Western and Arab media. This year, there was a demonstration in Sadr City which resulted in no violence.
I'm sure you didn't hear that in the news, yet this is a HUGE story because it shows that the Goverment and people (in the "worst" neighborhood) handled things much differently this go around.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 58 of 145 (409674)
07-10-2007 6:59 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by taylor_31
07-10-2007 12:39 AM

Re: Money
the media is being manipulated by the enemy.
I wouldn't say AQI is manipulating the news, but instead are taking advantage of the way the system works to get their message out and ultimately claim victory for forcing the US to withdraw.
I think it's a mistake to blame the war's conduct on the media
What do you mean by the "war's conduct?"
This war has been mismanaged right from the beginning, from which we did not even have a compelling reason to go to war. At least, I didn't think we had one.
Thank you for putting your opinion in there at the end. I like that alot more than the "there were NO WMD" chant. Allow me, if I may, to tell you my opinion, and why.
Yes, President Bush said on many occasions that we knew Saddam Hussein possessed chemical and biological weapons. Why did he say it? He said it because it was the best judgement of the career intelligence analysts who serve our nation. George W. Bush said it, just as President Clinton said it before him, and just as Vice President Gore said it. Senator John Kerry said it as well in a speech on the Senate floor in 2002. According to the arms inspector David Kay, France in the 1990s concluded Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and so did Germany.
If we said all that, what happenned? Where are these weapons of mass destruction? There are 4 possibilites. One is Saddam moved them out of Iraq before the war. Two is Saddam destroyed them and left no evidence. Three is that he hid them somewhere inside Iraq and we haven't found them. Four is that Iraq didn't have any weapons and we were all wrong.
I'm sure we all remember David Kay, the former UN chief weapons inspector and head of the Iraq Survey Group reported that he had not found any stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. His statement dominated the headlines. But as alwasy, there was more to the news than the headlines. Here's what else David Kay said when he submitted his report to Congress in 2003:
"We have discovered dozens of WMD-related prgram activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the UN during the inspections that began in late 2002." These included "a clandestine network of labratories and safehouses maintained by the Iraqi intelligence service. 'Reference strains' of biological organisms, concealed in a scientist's home, including a live strain of deadly botulinum, and new research on Brucella, Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever, ricin, and aflotoxin. In the cheimcial and biological weapons area we have confidence that there were at a minimum clandestine on-going research and development activities that were embedded in the Iraqi Intelligence Service," Kay reported.
On January 28, 2004, when David Kay, the man who said we hadn't found any WMD, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, he said, "If you read the total body of intelligence in the last twelve to fifteen years that flowed out of Iraq, I quite frankly think it would be hard to come to a conclusion other than Iraq was a gathering, serious threat to the world with regard to WMD...I think the world is far safer with the disappearance and removal of Saddam Hussein. I have said I actually think this may be one of those cases where it was even more dangerous that we thought."
The Bush Administration may have been wrong about Saddam's actual capabilities, but they weren't wrong about his intentions.
My assessment is that they were moved.
Edited by Tal, : No reason given.
Edited by Tal, : Add my reason

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 64 by Rrhain, posted 07-13-2007 4:59 AM Tal has replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 60 of 145 (409976)
07-12-2007 2:38 PM
Reply to: Message 59 by taylor_31
07-12-2007 12:16 AM

Re: Money
By the way, would you consider State of Denial by Bob Woodward to be a good source of information about Iraq? Because that's what I'm reading right now, and I was curious about what you thought of the book.
I haven't read the book, but I would if one were around. By all means if you find something in the book that piques your interest toss it up here and I'll give it a read. However, he is a reporter. His job is to sell commericals, or in this case, books. But if you find anything interesting post it up. A friend of mine wrote a good piece on why the media misreport when in a combat zone, but I can't access his site at work. I'll hit it up when I get to my pod and post it as an edit.
Who exactly is our main enemy in Iraq, and who would claim victory if we left? All of the Iraqis?
Al Qaeda mostly. They collaborate with the former Bathists (Sunnis) to exhaust U.S. national will, aiming to win by undermining and outlasting public support by using high profile attacks against Iraqi Civilians, kidnappings, beheadings, or blowing up Mosques. They are the main "pot stirrers" if you will. If we pulled out, Zawahiri or UBL himself would soon make a video proclaiming victory, much like Nasrallah (head of the Hezbos) did after Israel invaded Lebanon.
Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said Monday that his guerrillas achieved a "strategic, historic victory" against Israel”a declaration that prompted celebratory gunfire across the Lebanese capital
The Average Iraqi certainly wouldn't claim victory.
On the other side of the puzzle is Iran, who is helping the Shia extremists by providing them with training, weapons (EFPs), and material support using the Hezbos as a proxy to fight the US.
In the middle are various groups on both sides (JAM, Jaysh Al Mahdi, or the Mahdi Army lead (sometimes) by Mookie Sadr) who have fought us on the past, but then join the political process and fight AQI. In the case of JAM, its still touch and go, as he doesn't really control all of his organization.
Judging by the reports from the media, Iraq seems to be cratering.
Al Anbar was recently thought to be a lost cause by the media. I'm sure you heard all about it when the violence was high. Now that the locals are fighting AQI, and the province has done a 180, what have you heard from it lately?
Al Anbar as reported recently by Time
Edited by Tal, : No reason given.
Edited by Tal, : No reason given.
Edited by Tal, : edit

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 63 by taylor_31, posted 07-13-2007 12:13 AM Tal has replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 65 of 145 (410197)
07-13-2007 5:37 PM
Reply to: Message 62 by crashfrog
07-12-2007 7:52 PM

Re: Money
That it appears to have actually done a 360
Your first quote is dated "as of late October." The Times story I linked was dated 23 May 07.
Your second reply and link are what the subject of the OP is all about. You read about car bomb attacks from 2 days in April and conclude that we aren't winning and it is a lost cause, which is the goal of the insurgents.
From your seattle times link:
"There are some people who would say we've won the war out here," said Col. John Koenig, a planning officer for the Marines who oversees governing and economic development in Anbar. "I'm cautiously optimistic as we're going forward."
The whole Iraq was is a game of whack-a-mole. Sure, the fun part of whack-a-mole is that when you whack the mole, it stays down for a little bit. But only someone who refused to see the big picture would claim that as progress, what with all the other moles popping up all over the place.
I know it certainly seems like it, even to us at times. We (US Army) are doing 2 things differently this go around:
1. We are taking away the insurgents' Center of Gravity (COG). A COG is like the inside circle of a spoked wheel. If you take the circle out, the entire wheel collapses. The 2 main COGs for the insurgents (AQI/Iranian supported Shia) is Baghdad and Al Anbar. How are we doing that? See 2.
2. We aren't commuting to work anymore. We've set up COPs (Combat Outpots) and JSSs (Joint Security Stations) in all parts of the city in our (82 Airborne) area of operation. We've moved in. Either we are going away, or the bad guys are going away. It is a new Clear/Control/Retain policy.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 66 of 145 (410200)
07-13-2007 5:50 PM
Reply to: Message 63 by taylor_31
07-13-2007 12:13 AM

Re: Money
Do you think that that's accurate?
I think the numbers are inflated. It is accurate, although I'm not up on the Iraqi council set up by anyone. I can speak to the other 2 items.
De-baathification thinking came from the WWII model of Germany. After we won in Europe, we got rid of everything Nazi and that was the reasoning Bremer used. We told a bunch of people, "You no longer have jobs, and oh by the way don't apply for any jobs in the new goverment." Coupled with the disbanding of the Iraqi Army, you have the pool of motivated people that would start fighting the new Goverment in which they had no future. The Iraqi Army, not the Republican Guard (they were Saddam's men), were looked up to by average Joe Iraqi and was a solid, if underfunded/trained organization.
If those 2 things would not have happenned, I don't think there would have been an insurgency. The political will and military infrastructure would have been in place to better handle AQI moving in than building it all from scratch like we are doing now.
Edited by Tal, : grammer

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 67 of 145 (410204)
07-13-2007 6:23 PM
Reply to: Message 64 by Rrhain
07-13-2007 4:59 AM

Re: Money
Because he was ignoring all of the intelligence information that was coming to him that clearly indicated that there were no WMDs.
Incorrect. As the intelligence analysts themselves had said, they were saying the opposite.
Link? Source?
He claimed that Hussein was preventing the inspectors from having complete access in direct contradiction to the inspectors, themselves.
One of my instructors was a weapons inspector in Iraq. They didn't have complete access.
Ah, yes. Zero to Clinton is 2.3 seconds.
You'll note I cited Kerry and Gore too, and I can cite every major democrat in 90s.
Mr. Blix in Feb 04.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Profile: Hans Blix
Mr Blix says the experience taught him something. "It's correct to say that the IAEA was fooled by the Iraqis," he said recently.
That still doesn't refute David Kay.
Several inspections have taken place at declared and undeclared sites in relation to mobile production facilities. Food-testing mobile laboratories and mobile workshops have been seen as well as large containers with seed-processing equipment. No evidence of proscribed activities have so far been found.
Why did Bush ignore this?
Second suspected mobile weapons lab found in Iraq
Why, when all evidence indicates that there weren't any to move?
Again, you use phrases like "all evidence." Please post a link.
You are right I guess. There weren't any to move.
Oh...there were those 500 chemical weapons with sarin and mustard agent. 500 Chemical Weapons
And that is just what the Senator got declassified.
And most importantly: Why weren't they used against us?
Bomb said to hold
deadly sarin gas explodes in Iraq
Here's some more of those weapons that don't exist.
Polish Troops Find Sarin Warheads
Chemical Munitions have been used against US Forces many times. This go around we've had several instances of chemical weapons in IEDs.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 71 of 145 (410636)
07-16-2007 12:49 PM
Reply to: Message 70 by Peal
07-16-2007 11:47 AM

No Sarin in the warheads. I hadn't read that story, thank you.
Duelfer said the current danger he sees is that some anti-coalition forces and foreign terrorist groups are trying to tap into Iraq's weapons expertise for use against the United States. "Former experts in [Hussein's] weapons-of-mass-destruction program," he said, "are being recruited by anti-coalition groups." As a result, he said, his Iraqi Survey Group (ISG) is "keeping a very close eye on some anti-regime people."
Why would they be recruiting former WMD experts?

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 73 by Peal, posted 07-16-2007 2:46 PM Tal has not replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
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From: Fort Bragg, NC
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Message 77 of 145 (412905)
07-26-2007 6:18 PM
Reply to: Message 72 by Modulous
07-16-2007 12:58 PM

So they can build weapons of mass destruction?
That's the point. That's why they were here in the first place. I highly doubt they were here flipping burgers. Saying WMD Experts were/are in Iraq to do anything other build WMD is like watching a guy in a mask with a gun walk into a bank and then assume he's only there to cash a check.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 79 by Nuggin, posted 07-27-2007 2:43 AM Tal has replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
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Message 80 of 145 (420480)
09-08-2007 3:01 AM

Are you still claiming that there were WMDs in Iraq when we invaded?
Edited by Tal, : Pics added
Edited by AdminAsgara, : fixed page width

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 82 by Zawi, posted 09-08-2007 9:40 AM Tal has replied
 Message 84 by Chiroptera, posted 09-08-2007 11:18 AM Tal has not replied
 Message 85 by Nuggin, posted 09-08-2007 12:21 PM Tal has not replied
 Message 100 by Rrhain, posted 09-12-2007 5:08 AM Tal has replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
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From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 81 of 145 (420483)
09-08-2007 3:06 AM
Reply to: Message 79 by Nuggin
07-27-2007 2:43 AM

Re: Sovern Nations
Egypt, Canada, Argentina, Australia, etc. etc. etc. didn't use WMD on their own people or invade another country in last 30 years.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 83 of 145 (420511)
09-08-2007 10:19 AM
Reply to: Message 82 by Zawi
09-08-2007 9:40 AM

Got any captions to go with those pictures?

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 88 of 145 (420725)
09-09-2007 9:54 AM
Reply to: Message 87 by Chiroptera
09-08-2007 1:17 PM

If those WMD that don't exist were easier to indentify and handled properly, then (insert pic) would not have occurred.
Think I found my new sig.

News Media: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory 1 negative report at a time.

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 Message 87 by Chiroptera, posted 09-08-2007 1:17 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
Posts: 1140
From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 89 of 145 (420727)
09-09-2007 10:04 AM
Reply to: Message 86 by crashfrog
09-08-2007 12:23 PM

Maybe the "There were no WMD!" crowd would think differently if that was their arm?
Edited by Tal, : No reason given.

If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred. -Chiroptera

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 Message 90 by Chiroptera, posted 09-09-2007 10:10 AM Tal has replied
 Message 91 by CK, posted 09-09-2007 10:12 AM Tal has not replied
 Message 93 by crashfrog, posted 09-09-2007 12:15 PM Tal has not replied

Member (Idle past 5980 days)
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From: Fort Bragg, NC
Joined: 12-29-2004

Message 94 of 145 (420883)
09-10-2007 1:06 AM
Reply to: Message 90 by Chiroptera
09-09-2007 10:10 AM

Your name was removed.

If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.

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 Message 90 by Chiroptera, posted 09-09-2007 10:10 AM Chiroptera has not replied

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