What he meant by "blurting out" was the media reporting and scrutinizing everything that the military does - everything from civilian casualties to common screw-ups. He cited the recent murder trials of several soldiers. "Soldiers being charged for murder in a war?" he exclaimed. In addition, he also called our torture policies "soft" and "flabby" and dangerous to the country.
All the more reason such things, and his objection to them, be public knowledge. It is not the Islamic Terrorists that are a threat to the US, but people who hold beliefs like his.
The only connection between the War on Terrorism and the Invasion and occupation of Iraq, is that the Invasion of Iraq provides a continuing justification for terrorist acts.
Soldiers who kill and rape non-combatants should certainly be charged and tried. Frankly, I place a lot of the blame though on the Administration that placed them in the position.
Aslan is not a
Tame Lion