DJ writes:
Not only that but if we're celebrating the 2008th anniversary of his death wouldn't we have to wait another 30-ish years?
I stand corrected. The term AD means
anno domini or
year of our Lord whereas BC means before Christ. Both reference the birth of Jesus though the exact date is questionable.
A common mistake is that AD refers to the death as I have done rather than the birth.
My point that the entire world has essentially been acknowledging Jesus by the usage of it is factual, the last country to enact it being Portugal about 600 years ago. Not only that but it denotes Jesus as lord. It has been used by most nations for over a millenium.
The messianic prophecies declare that messiah shall indeed become lord/master/ruler of all nations when he comes to earth to establish his kingdom at Jerusalem on the Temple Mount refered to as Zion. It's interesting that for all these centuries the nations of the world have been acknowledging this (i.e year of our lord) either advertently or inadvertently.
The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.