This catagorizes you as one of inadvertent ones who for one reason or another do not connect the acknowledgement relative to the common and universal usage of the term AD, i.e. year of our lord over the centuries.
Universal? Care to guess what year it is in Thailand according to the Buddhist calendar? What about the Jewish calendar? In both case, I can tell you the answer is not 2008.
"Debate is an art form. It is about the winning of arguments. It is not about the discovery of truth. There are certain rules and procedures to debate that really have nothing to do with establishing fact ” which creationists have mastered. Some of those rules are: never say anything positive about your own position because it can be attacked, but chip away at what appear to be the weaknesses in your opponent's position. They are good at that. I don't think I could beat the creationists at debate. I can tie them. But in courtrooms they are terrible, because in courtrooms you cannot give speeches. In a courtroom you have to answer direct questions about the positive status of your belief. We destroyed them in Arkansas. On the second day of the two-week trial we had our victory party!"
-Stephen Jay Gould