Hi Buz. You don't have to respond to this message.
I just want to say, I've read the last four pages of the other thread, and I've read this thread.
I'm not sure what to make of it all as I'm not that informed. Sure, I as a believer am open to the possibility that an increase in natural disasters is on teh cards, and I apreciate that you have voiced this apriori, for a long time now. So don't get too frustrated, as people apreciate your efforts, and what you're trying to show here. I think boths sides are simply frustrated.
Basically it's a matter of belief for us though. Even if we amass evidence of increase, we can't clearly show that this proves the bible is correct, as it could just be post-hoc, coincidental and therefore inconclusive. But that's just my opinion, I lack knowledge.
I know the bible can seem vague, but I apreciate your biblical knowledge, so calm down!!!!!!
The readers hear you!!!!They really do, and they can see what both sides are getting at, Tony will tell you that.
So my message to everyone is a recommendation for stress pills all round.