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Author Topic:   Increase in Natural Disasters? Prophesied?
Member (Idle past 3940 days)
Posts: 122
From: Manchester, England
Joined: 06-23-2005

Message 59 of 157 (257369)
11-06-2005 9:24 PM

To be honest I was a little too lazy to read every post (especially the stats, as on a second read through are meaningless in their current state) in this thread, but a quick skimming raised a few queries.
Why just natural disasters of the hurricane, tidal wave, earthquake variety?
Plenty natural disasters where that came from. The old four horseman of the apocalypse suggest war,famine,pestilence and death. How about Iraq war and terrorism, Northern African famine, Bird Flu and Cancer? Some would say these are not natural but all are natural consequences of human action and interaction.
How about a meteor strike? Or extra terrestrial virus? Invasion? Solar activity? Flipping of the magnetic field? Greenhouse effect - surely natural given variances of temperature in the last 50 million years. New ice age, heck why not. One day the 'day-of-enders' will be right. But maybe not today or the next 1/2 million days. Who knows? Because the Bible, in the same way as Nostradamus, soothsayers and any prophetic writings rely on interpretation after the event for credence (if any).
Current statistics for natural phenomena mentioned are only reliable for the last 50-100 years , and bare observations for the last 1000-3000 years. These phenomena have occurred for 10000+ times longer. It would be the same stretch to suggest that a dip in the morning temperatures of 10 degrees is a sign of the next ice age.
This apocalyptic bollocks only brings genuine religious faith into disrepute and makes you all look like a (slightly milder) solar temple cult.
Last point, if God is moving towards the endgame why keep it so mundane and, well, predictable. We have hurricanes and earthquakes all the time, surely the creator could come up with something new for the finale.

Apophenia:seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.
Pareidolia:vague or random stimulus being perceived (mistakenly) as recognisable.
Ramsey Theoryatterns may exist.

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