Hi all,
I am new to these forums, but have been reading through many of the threads over the past several weeks.
I believe that many of the arguments on this thread have been based on early misunderstandings and assumptions. Possibly, not being involved in the discussion leaves me a little better able to see the whole picture. (maybe I'm full of camel dung
I think that W_Fortenberry is merely trying to make a point about assumptions and critical thinking. I have seen no where that he has actually come out and stated a belief, rather he seems to be attempting to get people to think for themselves. He is very precise in his wording and makes it clear (to me at least) that he is only trying to get you to think about your assumptions. IMHO W_Fortenberry is a philosopher in the Socratic tradition: don't take anything at face value, don't assume anyone is right or wrong, make your own decisions with well thought out reasons, question everything.
As pertains to this thread in particular, Orion opened with a quoted passage from Finkelstein's book, part of which I quote below:
The Bible (Deut. 1:46, 2:14) tells us that these Hebrews spent a considerable amount of time (perhaps 38 out of 40 years) encamped in and around Kadesh-barnea in the Sinai.
The parenthetical scriptures listed above are as follows:
Deut 1:46 (KJV) So ye abode in Kadesh many days, according unto the days that ye abode there.
Deut 2:14 (KJV) And the space in which we came from Kadeshbarnea, until we were come over the brook Zered, was thirty and eight years; until all the generation of the men of war were wasted out from among the host, as the LORD sware unto them.
All I can see W_F doing is stating that the scripture listed in the quote by Finkelstein does NOT say anything about a "considerable" time. All that can be seen in those verses is "many days". Many days can mean many things. W_F does not seem to be stating that the conclusions by Finkelstein or others are right or wrong, he is only stating that those particular verses of the bible do not imply that conclusion. The word "lie" may be strong and have the wrong conotation, I personally would not have chosen that particular word, yet looking at it objectively, the claim that Deut 1:46 and Deut 2:14 state that the Hebrews spent a considerable amount of time at Kadesh is in no way, shape or form
TRUE. These verses along with other scripture may lead one to infer the 38 year stay at Kadesh, but I see W_F's point that the exact quote of Finkelstein's is wrong.
I am not stating my opinions on this topic either, just pointing out what I "think" W_F is trying to do.
One last thought. John, you stated in post #43 that all of the places seemed to be within 150 miles of Kadesh. Seeing as the Sinai Peninsula is only approximately 230 miles by 150 miles, (smaller than the state of Maine or of Scotland) a range of 150 miles from Kadesh would basically take up the entire peninsula. Just food for thought
(edited to fix typos)
"An unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates via Plato
[This message has been edited by Asgara, 05-21-2003]