Dear Stone,
Do you know WHy creationists and I will speak for my self as there are undoubtedly some who think I am an evo, spend so much effort 'one-sidely' as you say with the error confidence in evolutionary theory? There has been even beyond what Price revealed about the geological column a dearth of needed teaching WITHOUT the comparision of a creationist and a Lysenkoist that will decline on society as more and more effort in solid state studies proceeds with economic speculation. Evolution as a linguistic tradition is so flawed that challeges from within are not even properly adujdicated. You may think only of Punc Eq of Gould and Eldridge but when I was at CU I was appalled to find the actual scientists with no knowledge of the juggernaut 10000 pages in many languages that Croizat had produced. One can say the same thing for scholarhip on Sewall Wright for instance. There can not be more evolution thinking than this yet by overvalueing replication and Creationists like Lammerts have years ago tried to make mention of this problem in the information the anti-Soveit attitude has made questions like life on mars more serious than they warrent for the untrained eyes.
The reason I spend less time with creative efforts than demolision jobs is that JOB had it right and there is much contiunity in science that the statistical foundations of genetics assert is mere determinism . There is quite a difference here between connection and spirit that would need to exist for any transmission of information and with the communication of the same you ought note that morally or not Newton was well aware of this (he did kill someone over the money thing in his power).