I'd have to say no, as we're talking about the release of neurochemicals in response to stimuli. Many atheists have a stimulus -- one or more concepts of 'God' -- but it releases nothing; hence, no emotional response.
You can't say they love this imaginary person if they have no emotional reaction to it.
As for helping others, that's, at least in part, internalized reinforcement.
You help someone, then you give yourself a shot of endorphins. This reinforces the behavior.
Don't much see 'love for God' in there.
There's also gotta be something governing grouping behavior; ie, who you see as a part of your group, and therefore feel close to (love for). (Oxytocin?) But if God isn't a part of your group, there's no love there.
This message has been edited by DominionSeraph, 02-20-2005 13:31 AM