Gee RAZD, I hate to be the one to "dirty" up this thread... I'd love to promote your post, but (besides the title) I don't see any topic being brought up for discussion.
The only suggestion I might make is to simply copy your HTML to your homepage, and post this really nice front as a kind of "cover page". Then start posting specific issues / creatures for consideration by proponents of ID. Then you can link back to them through your front on your own webpage, and also link the OP of each issue to your "Silly Design Institute" webpage.
Unless you wanted to just get comments by people on your HTML formatting... if that's what you wanted, I can promote this. But if you want to discuss what the content implies, I don't see how we get there from what you posted.
Like I said, I hate to be the one to say this, because I think what you did here is, both content-wise and format-wise, kick-ass. Let me know what's under the orange bowl-cut there, and I'll try and figure out what to do with you.