you should really get things straight, because there is in this post a contradiction (as it appears to me) with another statement you made a couple of days ago in the sentient life thread:
They were all formed from the ground except the woman that was made from the rib of the first man.
This man was formed of the dust of the ground before any plant, animal or fowl was formed. He was the first creature made by God.
The man bluejay said was to replenish the earth was created after all animals, plants, and fowls, at the same time as the female. They were created in the image/likeness of God. This man was not formed from the dust of the ground and the woman was not created from a rib taken from the man. They were spoke into existence. They were never placed in a garden and forbidden to eat from any tree. In fact they were told they could eat from all trees.
This man and woman is the ancestor of modern humans.
But to the OP, I don't think there are many OECist. I would say there is a few YEC that stay more than a week. So an OEC is pretty rare I guess.