Hi Moose,
Minnemooseus writes:
This seems to make ICANT a hybrid old life /and/ young life creationist.
I am old life, old universe. All life forms except modern man was called forth from their kind that had existed prior to Genesis 1:2, which was about 6,000+ years ago.
Nothing is said to be created at this time except the large sea serpents and modern mankind. I have made this statement in several threads.
So if that makes me a hybrid, I guess I am.
Minnemooseus writes:
I interpret this to mean that each "kind"
They were all formed from the ground except the woman that was made from the rib of the first man.
Minnemooseus writes:
This does not seem to line up with most anyone's theology or science history.
Science history does not go back that far.
Yes Moose no one agrees with me in theology. There are those who come close but they do not believe the man I speak of is a human, just some sort of pre-historic being.
I discussed all creatures being formed from the ground in my topic The Literal Genesis Account of Creation in
Message 1 therefore everything had a common ancestor.
God Bless
"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."