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Author Topic:   Are there any old Earth/old life creationionists/anti-evolutionists at
Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 1 of 26 (531048)
10-15-2009 10:18 PM

Participents in the evolution vs. creationism debate can vary (at least in concept) from atheistic hard core evolutionists to young universe/young Earth creationists/anti-evolutionists.
In the middle ground are such things as non-atheistic hard core evolutionists, theistic evolutionists (God guided evolution to some degree), and old universe/old Earth creationists (accept the mainstream scientific determinations of things including life, but are anti-evolution).
Forum examples of each:
Atheistic hard core evolutionists - Many members.
Non-atheistic hard core evolutionists - Jar is the prime example. I think Truthlover would be another, as seemingly would be our resident deists, Percy and RAZD.
Theistic evolutionists - I don't know if we have any. I view such as including Michael Behe style "intelligent designers".
Old universe/old Earth creationists - Do we have any? Buzsaw claims to be an old universe/old Earth/young life creationist, but to me, the "young life" part makes him a variation of a young Earth creationist (see topic elsewhere).
Young universe/young Earth creationists - This is the evolution side's default for all creationists/anti-evolutionist, unless given a reason to think otherwise.
So, my question is, does have any (as above defined) old universe/old Earth/old life creationists (NOT theistic evolutionists), who do not accept the mainstream scientific fact and theory of evolution? I personally do not know of any such member.
I don't even know of any clear examples of old universe/old Earth/old life creationists in the world in general. Walt Brown is apparently some variety of such, but all I hear about him is his "great flood" hypotheses (see "added by edit") - I'm unaware of where in time Brown places the said flood, or where he stands on the Earth's life history.
I deem this to be a forum administration related question, thus I'm starting it as the admin mode (OSLT*).
*Or something like that
Added by edit: Per Wikipedia, Walt Brown is a young Earth creationist. He's is best known for his hydroplate hypothesis. Hugh Ross is the old Earth creationist I was confusing him with.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : See above.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Add to previous added by edit.

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Buzsaw, posted 01-07-2010 10:10 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied
 Message 3 by Dr Adequate, posted 01-08-2010 2:45 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied
 Message 17 by ICANT, posted 01-10-2010 5:10 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied
 Message 26 by 3DSOC, posted 01-26-2010 8:50 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 16 of 26 (542537)
01-10-2010 3:19 PM

Many of the recent messages are shooting way off-topic.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Message 150

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