It is my request that this thread be reopened. Granted there was some off topic discussion, but it would be more prudent for moderation to be more tolerant towards the actual topic input. The baby needn't be thrown our with the bathwater.
If you had read the Admin Msg carefully, you would have noticed that the thread was not permanently closed.
It was the fulfilled prophecies and other evidenced texts of scripture which inspired me and made me wise as a youth, leading to my conversion from agnosticism to Christianity at an early age. I am suggesting to Straggler, the thread OP author that fulfilled prophecy is indeed one way for anyone, regardless of ideology to become wise and inspired.
Try a better approach. Since prophecies aren't typically wisdom oriented, show or explain the timeless wisdom that you feel is in the prophecy, don't just flop out prophecies again. The thread isn't about proving that the Bible is right or wrong. What was the actual wisdom?
It should be understood that prophecy is not all I've cited on this thread. The wisdom of Solomon was cited first by me. The wisdom and inspiration of the Bible is many faceted.
You do realize the Admin Msg wasn't just pointed at you, don't you? I gave credit to what was on topic.
That thread is a unique opportunity and most of the participants are turning it into the same old discussions. Are we so stuck in a rut that we can't share simple wisdom without dragging in our pet positions?
Share the verses that have supplied wisdom through the ages or the verses that have inspired people not to give up in day to day living.
I guess my expectations were too high.
The thread is open, please keep on topic.
Edited by AdminPD, : Typo
Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach.-- Encylopedia Brittanica, on debate