On occasions I listen to Chuck Missler on the radio. Chuck Missler is an author, conservative fundamentalist Bible teacher, and founder of the Koinonia House ministry. Missler is a former engineer and has held high corporate offices at several large companies. On the surface he has some credibility - at least until I ran across this video
This guy was the former Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles for the U.S. Air Force. Now that is scary.
Any anti-evolutionist care to take up Chuck's flag and explain/defend this arguement. I am really hoping someone will point out that this video is a spoof.
His basic arguement is the lack of spontaneous generation of life in jars of peanut butter disproves evolution. To reinforce and underscore this arguement he points out that this empirical experiment is carried out millions of time every day, billions of time in over a century!
Quote from clip...
Chuck Missler writes:
If the theory of evolution was viable, then I should, occasionally by subjecting this [jar of peanut butter] to energy end up having new life... maybe not often but on occasions I should find new life
The drama, narrator voice overs and facial expressions are just too much.
On a similar note, I have opened countless bags of bbq charcoal, which is largely carbon, and I have never found a diamond - ever. Does this disprove that diamonds are not carbon?
I believe this to be the worst and most bizarre anti-evolution arguement that I have ever come across.
Edited by iceage, : No reason given.
Edited by iceage, : No reason given.