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Author Topic:   True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing
Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 92 of 154 (818783)
09-02-2017 4:55 PM

First response total bs
have fun picking it all apart and avoiding the point again ok...
have a good laugh....this has wasted enough of my time back to the real world for me. leave it for the fanatics i reckon

Replies to this message:
 Message 108 by Percy, posted 09-02-2017 6:56 PM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 109 by RAZD, posted 09-03-2017 2:06 PM Porkncheese has replied
 Message 118 by Phat, posted 09-04-2017 7:07 AM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 94 of 154 (818785)
09-02-2017 4:58 PM
Reply to: Message 93 by jar
09-02-2017 4:56 PM

Re: searchable database
to arrogant to concede anything... was i not abused???

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 Message 93 by jar, posted 09-02-2017 4:56 PM jar has replied

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 Message 96 by jar, posted 09-02-2017 5:03 PM Porkncheese has replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 95 of 154 (818786)
09-02-2017 4:59 PM

Real problems facing facts these peolpe...
Your not one of the few people i named anyway. Aside from them ppl like u are trolls with nothing
wat did u provide... talk thats all talk. go home cos i wasn't refering to you
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.

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 Message 110 by Larni, posted 09-03-2017 5:26 PM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 97 of 154 (818788)
09-02-2017 5:04 PM
Reply to: Message 96 by jar
09-02-2017 5:03 PM

Re: searchable database
uv provided nothing go home i wasn't talking to you
all talk no references blah blah blah
ppl like u don't help the theory
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.

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 Message 96 by jar, posted 09-02-2017 5:03 PM jar has not replied

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 Message 100 by Coyote, posted 09-02-2017 5:22 PM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 99 of 154 (818790)
09-02-2017 5:16 PM
Reply to: Message 98 by PaulK
09-02-2017 5:11 PM

Re: searchable database
wow unreal
just as i predicted un able to reason, be objective to take another perspective.
So ur saying I should of accepted that evidence given to me as fact?
What nonsense it sounds like you havent even read the references.
If i say this is fact but may be misleading do u take it as fact do u? how religious of you
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.

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 Message 98 by PaulK, posted 09-02-2017 5:11 PM PaulK has replied

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 Message 102 by PaulK, posted 09-02-2017 5:36 PM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 105 by Tangle, posted 09-02-2017 6:05 PM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 101 of 154 (818792)
09-02-2017 5:29 PM

ok guys i believe everything
thanks for helping me understand... i believe it all. i never question again please forgive my ignorace wise old men who got debunked by a teenager so easily turned your worlds upside down and inside out with factual truths
who presentst evidence that contradicts itself. i believe you i have faith

Replies to this message:
 Message 103 by PaulK, posted 09-02-2017 5:39 PM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 104 by jar, posted 09-02-2017 5:46 PM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 113 of 154 (818894)
09-04-2017 3:22 AM
Reply to: Message 109 by RAZD
09-03-2017 2:06 PM

Re: What point?
RAZD I asked you about the dendrogram on message 44.
Ur explination came much later on message 85.
Meanwhile on message 46 Percy also calls it misleading and says that it is wrong.
Who do I believe RAZD or Percy?

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 Message 109 by RAZD, posted 09-03-2017 2:06 PM RAZD has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 114 by Tangle, posted 09-04-2017 4:25 AM Porkncheese has replied
 Message 122 by Percy, posted 09-04-2017 9:11 AM Porkncheese has replied
 Message 123 by RAZD, posted 09-04-2017 9:47 AM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 137 by ringo, posted 09-05-2017 11:54 AM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 115 of 154 (818898)
09-04-2017 5:36 AM
Reply to: Message 114 by Tangle
09-04-2017 4:25 AM

Re: What point?
You avoided the question and missed the point which is that I was totally confused at that stage given there was contradictions and differences in opinions.
Then on message 51 I'm given a link with a quote clearly saying not much is known on that species. (Point. Increased skepticism)
Add to this that some were saying at that stage the internet isn't reliable while I was receiving info from the web off others. (Point. Hypocritical)
People were still making the false claims of me being a creationist. (Point. Jumping to unfounded conclusions and ignoring what I had said. Anti religious agendas. Discriminatory. Poor defence. Avoiding the issue.)
Despite the views of some there were still many claiming the evidence to be conclusive and absolute. Someone even claiming it to be beyond reasonable doubt. (Point. Contradiction and absurd to me given the info put to me then)
People taking my phrases out of context and making a point out of spelling errors. (Point. Looking to oppose everything. Avoiding the issue. Poor defence)
Constant bs from many who gave nothing valuable to the conversation. (Point. Doesn't help the people that are trying to explain things. Gives a bad impression of untrustworthy people)
Then when asked if it's fair to say that stage of evolution leading to primates is unclear given the evidence put before me. I get total disagreement and condemnation. (Point. Irrational. Unable to agree or be objective. Arrogant. No perspective. Single minded. Faith based)
As no one here is capable of perspective I will spell out the point...
At that stage no human on earth would have accept what was being presented as a reliable theory. People's responses, contradictions and lack of references made them extremely difficult to believe.
Much better explinations and references where provided later.
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.
Edited by Porkncheese, : No reason given.

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 Message 114 by Tangle, posted 09-04-2017 4:25 AM Tangle has replied

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 Message 116 by Pressie, posted 09-04-2017 6:25 AM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 117 by Tangle, posted 09-04-2017 7:05 AM Porkncheese has replied
 Message 130 by dwise1, posted 09-04-2017 1:09 PM Porkncheese has replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 120 of 154 (818926)
09-04-2017 8:27 AM
Reply to: Message 117 by Tangle
09-04-2017 7:05 AM

Re: What point?
Yes I forgot to mention that better explinations and references where provided later.
Ya'll won't admit it but those first 2 references and related arguments were totally crap ok. U can't expect people to jump on board with shit like that. Especially with others telling a different story

This message is a reply to:
 Message 117 by Tangle, posted 09-04-2017 7:05 AM Tangle has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 125 by RAZD, posted 09-04-2017 10:36 AM Porkncheese has replied
 Message 128 by RAZD, posted 09-04-2017 10:57 AM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 121 of 154 (818927)
09-04-2017 8:33 AM
Reply to: Message 119 by Phat
09-04-2017 7:13 AM

Re: What point?
Thank you Phat for your kind words and advice which I will take.
All the best to you

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 Message 119 by Phat, posted 09-04-2017 7:13 AM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 126 of 154 (818944)
09-04-2017 10:38 AM
Reply to: Message 122 by Percy
09-04-2017 9:11 AM

Re: What point?
Thanks Percy.
See that diagram that's ideal to first show the noob like me. That diagram posted on message 114 is just wrong like Tangle points out. Kind of lesson 1 cos you see that diagram around alot.
Another good point is that we derived from a chimp/human like creature that is extinct. The noob pictures humans coming directly from chimps.
RAZD asked me to ask you why that diagram was wrong. Can u just tell him directly please. I don't need to be a mediator.

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 Message 122 by Percy, posted 09-04-2017 9:11 AM Percy has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 131 by Tangle, posted 09-04-2017 1:25 PM Porkncheese has not replied
 Message 134 by Percy, posted 09-05-2017 9:00 AM Porkncheese has not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 127 of 154 (818945)
09-04-2017 10:47 AM
Reply to: Message 125 by RAZD
09-04-2017 10:36 AM

Re: What point?
Im not sure what ur still arguing about cos im cool.
Ur disagreement is with Percy. He said ur diagrams were wrong ok.
Talk to him.

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 Message 125 by RAZD, posted 09-04-2017 10:36 AM RAZD has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 591 days)
Posts: 198
From: Australia
Joined: 08-25-2017

Message 132 of 154 (818954)
09-04-2017 2:53 PM
Reply to: Message 130 by dwise1
09-04-2017 1:09 PM

Re: What point?
24 people replied to this thread.
A hand full had good intentions, at some point at least, and tried to give explinations, links and references which I appreciate.
Only 2 of those people seem to understand how and where there was some miscommunication which caused me further confusion at the time and that I walk away with a bit more knowledge than i arrived.
The rest, dwise1, were people like you. People who just talk a whole lot of bullshit.
When 80% of people are talking bs its damn hard to filter out the crap down to the 20% who actually are trying. And its these 80% which make you doubt ToE even more.
I had heaps more questions about things like transitional species today, if water mammals like seals, otter, platypus, etc are evolving in or out of the water. Marsupials and how certain creatures evolved in certain regions. Like in New Zealand the kiwi seems to have evolved from a bird almost into a mammal. Could the absence of land predators in NZ also factor into the natural selection process. And humans, any clues on the next step for mankind. Can increased brain power and efficiency be part of evolution. Certain arguments against like the claim of things being dated from way back when they aren't.
So many questions I have but this isn't the place to get into that.
I must take the advice of Phat, stop pondering such things and get back to my studies really or else I'll fail... LoL

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 Message 130 by dwise1, posted 09-04-2017 1:09 PM dwise1 has replied

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 Message 133 by dwise1, posted 09-04-2017 4:35 PM Porkncheese has not replied

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